Arrogant Arnold and Witty Will

Arrogant Arnold and Witty Will are brothers. One day, they were going from New Jersey to Florida. Bored, they decided to ask each other brain teasers. After a while, they got bored with this, so Arnold decided to place a bet. He would ask Will one teaser, which he thought was very hard. If Will got it right, Arnold would clean his room for the rest of the year. However, if Will got it wrong, he would have to clean Arnold’s room for a year and do his dishes for a month. After thinking for a while, Will agreed to this. This was Arnold’s teaser:
Use each digit 1-9 only once each, so that one number multiplied by another way equal the third. One example is 12*483=5796. Name at least one more!!!
Being witty as his name suggests, Will easily answered this. The question is, can you find one?
The other possibilities are [drum roll, please]…
18 , 297 , 5346
27 , 198 , 5346
28 , 157 , 4396
39 , 186 , 7254
42 , 138 , 5796
48 , 159 , 7632

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