Bird Brains

If 3 thistled thrushes eat 3 packs of birdseed in 3 weeks and 4 feathery finches eat 4 packs of birdseed in 4 weeks and 6 coloured cockatoos eat 6 packs of birdseed in 6 weeks then how much birdseed will feed 12 thistled thrushes, 12 feathery finches and 12 coloured cockatoos for 12 weeks?

3 thrushes eat 3 packs in 3 weeks.
3 thrushes eat 12 packs in 12 weeks.
12 thrushes eat 48 packs in 12 weeks.
4 finches eat 4 packs in 4 weeks.
4 finches eat 12 packs in 12 weeks.
12 finches eat 36 packs in 12 weeks.
6 cockatoos eat 6 packs in 6 weeks.
6 cockatoos eat 12 packs in 12 weeks.
12 cockatoos eat 24 packs in 12 weeks.
So 48+36+24 = 108 packs.
Solution: 108 packs.

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