Become a Cereal Scrapbooker

Scrapbooking supplies can be expensive, but that doesn’t mean you have to splurge for your child to make a senior year scrapbook. Simply save up cereal boxes to turn into the bases of scrapbook pages, and he’ll be well on her way to collecting senior year memories. Not only will he feel good about preserving memories to last till lifetime, but he’ll be proud of his contribution to Mother Earth, too!
What You Need:
❑ Empty cereal boxes
❑ Scissors
❑ White or coloured paper
❑ Craft glue
❑ Clear contact paper
❑ Hole punch
❑ Ribbon
❑ Other scrapbook materials (pictures, ticket stubs, etc.)
What You Do:
1. Have your child cut apart the cereal boxes. Make sure the largest rectangles that make up the sides of the cereal boxes stay intact.
2. The large rectangles of a cereal box cardboard will be the pages of his scrapbook. He can cover them with either white or coloured paper. Tell him that he should make as many pages as he desires!
3. Ask him to stack the pages on top of each other evenly. Use the hole punch to create three or more holes along the edge of each page, so that when the pages align, the holes may align.
4. Instruct him to weave ribbon through the holes and tie them securely to keep the pages together.
5. Now the base of the scrapbook is done, but it’s time for the most important part, scrapbooking her senior year! Suggestions for things to scrapbook are as follows:
❑ Ticket stubs
❑ Pictures
❑ Birthday cards
❑ Notes from friends
❑ Essay that he’s proud of
❑ Shoe laces from cleats
❑ Recipe that he really liked that year
❑ Directions to his favourite game
❑ List of his favourite songs of the year
❑ Tag from his favourite shirt, or accessory bought or received
❑ Get each of your best friends to write you a message on a post-it note

6. Encourage his to make the scrapbook his own. If you go to a craft store, you will find there are many options for extra little things to add to the scrapbook, but it’s important to collect personal items first, so that he may start making pages. Dedicate a page or two to different things that are important to his during his senior year. For example, different pages could be themed “friends,” “colleges I applied to,” “good grades,” “sports,” “music,” or “top ten moments of the year”.
7. As he creates the layout and design for each page, make sure he keeps in mind that he can seal each page in place with a large sheet of contact paper to finish it off. The contact paper will not only keep his scrapbooked items in place, but also it will give him scrapbook a finished, professional look.

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