Little Johnny

Little Johnny was at it again.
His big brother had some small race cars that he wanted to play with, and his brother did not want him to have them.
Finally, he made a deal with Little Johnny. If he could figure out the Maths problem that his teacher had given them that afternoon, he’d let him have the cars for a week.

The problem was to figure out the following.
The numbers 0-9 are used and the teacher had already told them that A = 9 and E = 7. Little Johnny’s brother could not figure it out, so he knew that he’d be safe.
Ten minutes later, Little Johnny’s mother was watching while his big brother grudgingly gave up his cars for a week.
Can you figure out what the letters represent, like Little Johnny?

I = 8
T = 1
A = 9
K = 2
E = 7
S = 4
L = 6
F = 0
R = 3
O = 5
81 + 19,274 + 9 + 6,81,167 = 7,00,531

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