Our brain

Human brain has always been a beacon to mankind. A network of mysterious formations, it is the nerve centre for controlling and collating multifarious body functions. Indeed slightest of its malfunction spells doom for life. Like it did for Libra the female baby who couldn’t breathe post natal. The attending physician Dr.

Fleming tried to resuscitate her. During her treatment Fleming found that her predicament was a result of her brain’s malfunction. So the patient must live with the malady. Per force a pack of nurses gave her company during school hours where she would be put on ventilator as and when she suffered from convulsive fits and inability to breathe.
Brain-structure and function
Brain Steam : Among other things, this part of brain is engaged in relaxing and reactivating of body muscles.
Pituitary Gland : It monitors body growth, sexual behaviour, menstrual cycle, conception and maintenance of pregnancy in women.

Hypothalamus : It moderates body temperature, triggers sweating and elicits pangs of thirst and hunger.
Bronchos Area : This is concerned with voice formation and its control.
Motor Cortex : Principal task of this area is to coordinate executive function of body muscles.
Thalamus : It is the processing centre of sensory inputs. After appropriate sorting, nerve signals are directed to appropriate corners for follow up action.
Sensory Cortex : Nerve signals okayed by thalamus home in to this area before passing on action-orders to muscles concerned.
Cerebral Hemispheres : These deal with abstract and logical thoughts and their transmutation into verbal expressions.
Angular Gyrus : It helps in striking a working relationship between Bronch area and the Cerebral hemispheres.
Optical Cortex : It helps regulate sense of vision and ocular functions of our pair of eyes.
Cerebellum : It helps maintaining our posture (body balance) by collating myriad muscular activities and sensory responses from outside environment.
Respiratory centre : It is a significant brain component which conducts and regulates the mechanical process of breathing and the oxidative process of respiration at cellular level.
Reticular Activating System : This formation is involved in controlling sleep, wakefulness, and dream sequences.

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