Jim And Joe

Jim and Joe were close brothers until Jim graduated from Yale and became a renowned scientist who made millions. Not wanting to be outdone, Joe invited Jim over to a mansion that he claimed was his. He showed Jim many wonderful things inside the house one of which was a golden statue.
“This was a little gift from a friend of mine,” Joe said, rapping on it with his fist, “It’s made out of pure gold. See it. Even my powerful fist can’t make a dent in it.”
“I have to say one thing; this is all impressive,” Jim admitted, “but I know this is all fake, Joe.”
How did Jim know Joe was lying?

If Joe’s statue was made of pure gold, it would’ve dented easily from Joe’s fist. Pure gold scores only a 2.5 – 4 on the Mohs scale, and is easy to mould in your hands.

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