Oh, My Stomach!

It was a sunny, calm day. Bill decided it was time for a change, so he set out in search of a new dream home. His eyes settled on an attractive house. He was so encouraged that this would be the one, he only took a quick scan of the interior and decided to buy it. Nothing was wrong with the house. Being a person that really didn’t rely on others, Bill faithfully packed his belongings into the moving truck. It was a windy day that day, still pleasant but not so quite as on the sunny day which he decided to purchase this beautiful house. After finishing packing his first load, Bill set out for his destination. When he arrived, he started moving in his stuff. There were a few lightweight boxes and some old wooden chairs. After moving in all the old chairs, he sat down on one of them. “It’s a bit rocky today,” he thought. Nonetheless, Bill rested. Not a long while later, he ran outside. He peered over the railing of his new deck and threw up! He stumbled back to the chair to rest. A little later, he ran out and threw up again and again. Why did this mysterious thing keep happening and why didn’t it happen when Bill first set his sight on the house?

Bill’s new house is a houseboat. He bought it on a calm day, so there was not much wind to affect the motion of the boat. After exhausting himself on the windy day, Bill got sea-sick and threw up over the railing into the water.

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