Deep Sleep

Detective Sing sat across the table from his friend, John.
John had just come back from seeing a sleep therapist. He claimed that he would be able to cure John’s insomnia forever, if John agreed to spend a week at his “Sleep Camp”. The catch was that the treatment cost for a week was “$5,000”.
“But it’ll be worth it,” John said, “If only he cures my insomnia. I’ve not had a good night sleep in as long as I can remember. The doctor says it’s because when I go into “deep sleep” known as “gamma sleep” in the medical profession, I don’t make the transition to and from REM sleep properly, thus making me wake up, and stay awake all night.”
“He might be able to help you; his theory certainly appears sound,” Detective Sing said, “But I don’t believe he is a real sleep therapist.”
Why not?

While there are five stages of sleep, including one known as deep sleep and one known as REM (rapid eye movement), none of these stages are known as being “gamma” sleep.
The four stages (other than REM) are: beta, alpha, theta, delta.

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