In 2007 Laxmi Niwas Mittal the acknowledged global king of Steel Industry paid a visit to his native village Sadulpur accompanied by his family. Fifty two years ago Laxmi Niwas had left this village as a five year old kid and now he had returned after becoming an industrial king. It was a great event for the village. All the people turned out to see their prodigal son who had become a king. The people gave LNM a tumultuous welcome. Everyone wanted to have a glimpse of Mittal. To the delight of the locals Laxmi Niwas spoke to them in the native language. It was a great surprise for his daughter Vanisha to see him speak the rural lingo.

In the village L.N. Mittal opened the community centre built by his father Mohanlal Mittal in memory of his wife Gita Devi Mittal, the mother of LNM.

Talking to the village folk in rural Marwari tongue he visited his ancestral house where he was born. With great delight he showed it to Aditya, Megha, Amit and Vanisha. He was acting as a guide. He paused in the room where he was born and became sentimental. He told Vanisha many a secret of that room and his infant days.

L.N. Mittal is a story of a life’s journey from a mud house of Sadulpur village of Rajasthan to the Kensington Palace Gardens of London.