Isaac Newton spent his last years in studying. He was gravitating towards spiritualism and religion. The most of the work of Newton of those years pertained to religion and his faith in God had deepened. He wanted to know more about mysteries of the spiritualism. He had become very anxious and restless during the end time. Perhaps he had premonition of his impending death. In made him irritable. Newton preferred to live alone and symptoms of mercury poisoning were showing up clearly.

At last, at the age of 84 years, Newton breathed his last on March 31, 1727 at his Kensington residence of London. He was buried in Westminster Abbey.
Newton’s niece Catherine conducted the last rites and discharged social responsibilities. As Newton had no children he had willed away all his cash and assets to his relatives.

Gravitational force

Thus, the great scientist departed to meet God after uncovering the mysteries of nature for the world to put it on the highway of scientific progress. The scientific world will always remain indebted to Isaac Newton.

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