The recognition letter by Aurangzeb didn’t make Shivaji loyal protege. Shivaji had his own mind and own plans which included breaking into Mogul Empire regions.
His informers reported that Moguls were weak in the area falling under Junner to Ahmadnagar. It was tempting target. So, on 30th April, 1657 Shivaji raided Junner at night with a band of 500 selected soldiers. It was all done stealthily. Without making noise, the fort gates were opened as 500 black shadows sailed in. The Mogul defenders were dead before they could wake up from their sleep. The treasury and the armory were taken in possession and the shadowy raiders disappeared with the loot in the darkness of the night. Actually no one could know with certainty who the raiders actually were. It was a covert operation.
Commander Bhonsle pulled similar kind of job at Shrigondhi. It also was a nightly raid.
Ahmadnagar was not that easy. There a battle was fought. But the defenders were taken by surprise, alright. Moguls suffered heavy losses. The garrison was commanded by Naseer Khan. Shivaji’s force captured a huge treasure, a large number of elephants and many horses. It was a great gain but the raid exposed the fact that the raids were being conducted by the forces of Shivaji. It infuriated Aurangzeb.
He thundered, “The cheeck of that mountain rat! I will teach him a lesson he will never forget. Even his grand children will tremble to hear my name.”
Aurangzeb gave the charges of those raided places to Kartalab Khan, Ram Karan, Ravi Singh Shaista Khan and Abdul Ganeem. They were told, “Go, storm the Shivaji’s area and wreak havoc. Finish the rats. Show no mercy. It should be an example for those who dare to cross our path. Kill bury plunder, loot and spread terror. Find out who are helping Shiva. Behead every one of them.”
It was bad news for Shivaji. He knew the might of Mogul Empire. Its anger could spell disaster for Shivaji and his Swarajya.
It was time to change tracks again. Shivaji must play fox to the Mogul lion. He asked his confidant Ragunath Pant to go to Aurangzeb and mollify him. He was to carry a letter of apology. Shivaji said, “Go at once and meet Prince Aurangzeb. Give my letter to him and act like a scared rat. If needed crawl before him but do pacify him. Cool down his anger, Pant, whatever it takes you to do.”
Pant knew what he must do. He understood the situation. He entered the court of Aurangzeb trembling like a frightened beggar. While paying obeisance to Aurangzeb his head almost touched the floor as he bent.
The letter from Shivaji said, “O Mighty Prince of Mogul Empire! Glory be to you. I realise that I have committed some mistakes under a misunder-standing. I am extremely sorry for my mistakes. I beg for you mercy this time. I assure you that such things will never be repeated again. Kindly keep me blessed with your royal generosity and patronage.”
—Your servant, Shiva!
The letter cooled down Aurangzeb. He was no more vindictive. He showed the letter of Shiva to his commanders to let them see how his fear had made Shiva to turn into a chicken. Now there was no need for commanders to carry out Aurangzeb’s earlier command. Besides, the wily Aurangzeb wanted to keep the chances of making Shivaji an ally alive. He still had to fight battles to grab the throne of Mogul Empire. Who knew when he would need the help of the people like Shivaji?
So, Aurangzeb wrote back—‘Received your application sent through Ragunath Pundit. Though your misdeeds don’t deserve any pardon yet I take a lenient view as you are sorry for your acts. Now you clearly know that this court won’t tolerate any misadventure on your part in future. Be glad that we no more carry any doubt about you. Our best wishes are for you.’
Shivaji heaved a sigh of relief and laughed heartily.
Aurangzeb had his own plans. He wanted to destroy Bijapur Empire and take credit for it for clearing the way for Moguls into south. This could earn him enough fame, power and support to enable him to dethrone his father and seize the power. In that task Shivaji was proving very handy.
But Shahjahan disapproved of it. Bijapur court had sent some ministers to Agra to inform him how Aurangzeb was destroying Bijapur through Shivaji. Shahjahan wrote to his son to forget about destroying Bijapur and desist from encouraging Shivaji.
Soon a new situation arose. Shahjahan fell seriously ill. For Aurangzeb it became important to be near Agra and Delhi to make his moves if power struggle began. On some pretext he left south and shifted towards north to play his power game to outwit his brothers whom the father preferred.