A small clearing on the hilly climb to Pratapgarh fort was selected for the meeting of Shivaji and Afzal Khan. A royally decorated tent was pitched up there. The appointed day of the meeting was to be 10th November, 1659 with the agreement of the both sides.
On the eve of the meeting, Shivaji held a crucial meeting with his advisors and trusted commanders to work out the plan and the strategy. A surprise attack was the strategy. Every commander was allotted a specific number of soldiers and given a specific task. At night contingents of the soldiers led by their respective commanders slipped out of the fort and took up assigned positions at various locations around the fort.
The soldiers had camouflaged themselves in forests and behind rock or hill covers to become invisible to the enemy. The main force was to storm enemy camp at pre-arranged signal.
The day of 10th November dawned.
As usual Shivaji worshipped the Bhonsle family deity Tuljadevi and received blessings from his guru. After that he wore armour and covered it with formal court dress. A dagger was hidden in his wrist guard. He carefully tucked his favourite iron ‘Tiger claws’ weapon is his cummerbund. Bhavani sword swung from his waist.
He left the fort accompanied by Pantji and body guard Jiva Mahala. Similarly Afzal Khan emerged from his camp followed by a group of his body guards and soldiers. They began the climb to the meeting spot.
Pantji ran down the hill and cautioned Afzal Khan that in the meeting only one advisor and a body guard from each side would be allowed as per the arrangement. He said that the soldiers must stop at a distance behind the hill out of the sight. Pantji whispered, “Khan Bahadur Janab! The sight of your soldiers will frighten away poor Shiva.”
Afzal Khan smiled expensively. He ordered his soldiers to stay back behind the hill. He moved on with Krishnaji as his aide and Sayyad Banda as his body guard. Pantji raced back to Shivaji.
Shivaji advanced towards the tent flanked by Pantji and Jiva Mahala. As soon as Afzal Khan appeared Pantji moved forward to welcome Afzal Khan. He ushered in Afzal Khan in the regally decorated tent. The inside was dazzling with jewellery studded wall hangings, roofing, carpeted floor and ornate furniture.
Khan looked around approvingly and said, “Vah…Vah! So regal and magnificent! Your Shiva has gone up very high, huh!”
Pantji bent down courteously saying, “Khan Janab, it is all yours, to be presented to you when Shivaji gets pardoned by your good self.”
Krishnaji and Sayyad Banda too had walked in. Just then, from the otherside Shivaji and Jiva entered the tent. Shivaji looked scared. Afzal Khan handed his sword to Krishnaji and advanced towards Shivaji with open arms saying, “Welcome my dear Shiva. No need to fear your uncle. Do what I say and I will get your greatly rewarded by Bijapur court. Let me embrace you, nephew.”
Shivaji also moved forward. It was a strange sight. Compared to big bearish Afzal Khan, Shivaji was like a mountain goat. They closed in to embrace. Shivaji’s head reached near Afzal’s left armpit as he had slightly turned. His arm went around Shivaji’s head and it pressed hard trying to crush or break the neck under its demonic strength.
Afzal’s other hand drew out a dagger and it tried to stab Shivaji. The dagger was blocked by Shivaji’s armour. The metallic sound of clash revealed that Afzal had cheated.
In one jerk Shivaji freed his head from the arm hold of the enemy. He was an expert wrestler. Then he struck at lightning speed. His left hand plunged dagger into Afzal belly and the right hand went inside cummerbund to wear tiger claws. In a flash it came out and the claws tore into Afzal’s belly and dragged out his intestines. Blood poured out. Afzal screamed as he collapsed.
Krishnaji was stunned as it happened so fast. Then he recovered and charged at Shivaji who kicked him away. With his sword raised, Sayyad Banda ran towards Shivaji. Jiva Mahala brought down his sword to cut off Banda’s hand. Then he chopped Banda into pieces.
Shivaji’s body guards suddenly appeared on the scene and raced towards where Afzal’s body guards were waiting. They took the enemies by surprise and killed them all. The soldiers and the body guards of Afzal didn’t know what had happened in the tent. So confused were they.
Compared to them Shivaji’s commanders and soldiers knew the plot and their exact roles. As Shivaji gave his signal war trumpet was sounded from the fort.
With that the soldiers emerged out of their hiding places and pounced on the enemies screaming their war cries. Bijapur soldiers were caught unawares. Infact they were resting under the impression that peace was being worked out in the tent and were hoping for the celebration to begin.
The news of Afzal Khan’s death shocked them. Demoralised and confused they began to run. Moose Khan tried to rally them.
He screamed, “Soldiers, stand your ground. The death of Afzal Khan should not frighten you. All the other commanders are alive and ready to lead you. Fight back. They are a small force. Attack!”
Moose Khan, Issen Khan, Fazle Khan, Mambaji and other commanders tried to regroup the Bijapur soldiers but it was too late. Every rock, boulder and tree was producing a Maratha fighter from its cover. The commanders themselves were under attack.
Moose Khan was deserted by cowardly sons of Afzal Khan. The soldiers panicked. A large number of Bijapur soldiers died fighting.
Some of the Bijapur units still tried to defend bravely. But how long could a confused leaderless army hold? By the evening most of this Bijapur soldiers were either dead or captured.
Shivaji’s army collected gold coins worth 7 lac rupees, jewellery worth 3 lac rupees, 1200 camels, 400 horses and 65 elephants from the enemy camp besides guns and war material.
the victory campaign
The incredible victory against Afzal Khan made Shivaji a hero of Hindus. Their hearts swelled with pride. His victories increased their confidence.
Shivaji pressed the advantage. His army was full of zest and in high spirits. He tackled Afzal Khan and his chief commander Netaji defeated the main body the enemy army. With a large force he marched on to Wai. Surviving enemy commanders were trying to regroup there. They fled before Netaji’s arrival. Who couldn’t flee became part of the Shivaji army. This force was joined by the army led in by Shivaji himself.
This unified force pressed ahead vanquishing Satara, Kolhapur led by Shivaji, Netaji and Moropant. Their soldiers fought like possessed. They stormed the army centre of Panhalgarh fort of Bijapur. A big armoury and treasury was captured.
Then, Godak, Gokak and Konkan also fell into the hand of Shivaji forces. Dabhol port with some ships was taken over. English captain of a ship was taken prisoner. The foreign traders were overawed.
It was another shocker for Bijapur. To deal with Shivaji problem an army was created under the charge of Rustam-E-Zaman, the son of Afzal Khan. He was to be assisted by Fazal Khan, Moose Khan, Hassan Khan, Mullick Itwar, Fateh Khan, Gorpade, Sarojerao, Mullahum etc.
The aim was to challenge Shivaji at Panhalgarh. The commanders knew that Shivaji usually fought wars from the safety of the forts. They were certain that he would fight from Panhalgarh fort.