Lal Mahal

On the other side, Shaista Khan was living in Shivaji’s own ancestral home Lal Mahal with his family and was plotting the destruction of Swarajya. It hurt Shiva gravely. One lac strong Mogul army was camping at Poona.
Shivaji thought of a plan to punish Shaista Khan for the practical insult he was heaping on Shivaji. The plan was to be carried out by 500 of his hand picked soldiers. They broke up in small batches and entered Poona in the guises of water carriers, milkmen, fodder suppliers, vegetable sellers, cleaners, barbers and daily wagers. Many of them came as a marriage procession.
Month of Ramzan was chosen as the action time when the Muslims kept fast. At night, they feasted and the next morning they had to eat before dawn. Hence cooking began in early hours of the morning. Thus, nightly activities attracted no one’s attentions during Ramzan.
One night, past midnight, Shivaji entered Lal Mahal with some of his soldiers in disguise. They slipped into the kitchen where cooks were preparing breakfast. The cooks were swiftly slain without creating any noise as soldiers and guards were asleep after heavy dinner.
At the same time 200 Shivaji soldiers entered the Mogul army camp and broke up in small groups to create confusion.
Shivaji knew his home well. Breaking a wall of the kitchen got him into the master bedroom. In the lamp light Shaista Khan saw his dreaded enemy Shivaji coming at him with a sword in his hand. He ran terror struck. Shivaji went in chase. At the same moment maids put out the lamps. Shivaji blindly swung his sword in darkness. It claimed four fingers of the right hand of Shaista Khan who ran into his harem screaming. His son tried to stop Shivaji and got killed. The swords swished in the darkness. Two of the wives of Shaista Khan got cut down. There was a mad confusion of cries, screams, shoutings and cursing. Outside some Shivaji soldiers were beating drums to drown all sounds and noises.
The Mogul soldiers were under the impression that the drum beats were ordered by their commander to inform all that the breakfast was ready. Some other Shivaji soldiers who had mixed up with the soldiers on patrol started yelling, “Daceit…Daceit!!” and “Kill…Kill!”
Some shouted “Get them! Get them!!” It created further confusion. No one had any clear idea about what was happening. In such chaos and confusion Shivaji and his men easily slipped away.

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