War preparations

The king of Amber Raja Bhagwandas had married his sister Jodhabai to Emperor Akbar. His son Raja Man Singh was in the service of the Empire as a leading commander. Akbar consulted him on all matters related to Rajputs.
He called Man Singh to an exclusive meeting to discuss the attack on Mewar. The Emperor spoke grinding over every word, “I don’t want any unnecessary bloodshed especially of Rajput kind. No more Chittaurs. Rana Pratap’s brother Shakti Singh has come to our camp having been exiled. He says that Rana is preparing for a war to take back Chittaur.”
“Your Majesty,” Man Singh said respectfully and added, “These are internal squabbles of Rajputs. He got exiled due to something he did. Now he comes to us and sings some story to make us create trouble for Rana. Why should we take Shakti Singh seriously?”

“You may be right. But he is not alone to tell us about it. Our spies also confirm it. Rana has shifted to an inaccessible fortress of Kumbhalgarh and is preparing for a war. He made all citizens take a pledge of not resting till Chittaur is taken back. Shakti Singh is speaking the truth.”
“We shouldn’t be bothered about the activities of Rana Pratap. After all what can he do against the mighty Mogul armies with his handful of high flying soldiers? And…”
Akbar cut in, “Never underestimate the enemy. And then Rajputs are do-or-die battlers. Too much blood shed they cause. They are true soldiers. It pains me to see a true soldier die.”
“You have become an admirer of Rajput valour, Your Majesty.” Man Singh smiled.
“I only want Rana Pratap to realise futility of fighting against us. He should just accept our domination, become a part of this great Mogul Empire and prosper. If you can work out a peaceful solution…”
Man Singh looked at the emperor for some time and then spoke, “I am going to Sholapur to quell a rebellion. I will meet Rana Pratap on my way back and try to persuade him to accept our peaceful proposal.”
Emperor Akbar nodded his head. “God! Bear in your mind that I am a well wisher of Rajputs and a relative as well, you know. I don’t want the destruction of Rajputs. And their interest is in aligning with the Moguls. I don’t understand why Rana Pratap can’t see it and continues to be pigheaded?”
“He will understand, Your Majesty, once I talk to him. I know some positive result would come out of my meeting,” Man Singh assured the Emperor who sighed, “I hope so. Till then having Shakti on our side is a strategic advantage, Enemy of an enemy is our friend.” He gave a mysterious smile.
Man Singh whispered, “Your Majesty! I don’t want to oppose the presence of Shakti Singh in our camp but please don’t give undue importance to him. How can we trust one who has betrayed his own brother?”
Akbar said, “Don’t worry. In our game he is merely a pawn. Rana Pratap’s remains the king.”
Akbar laughed and Man Singh echoed the laughter.

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