In Indian National Congress

The Congress party had come into existence only in 1885, just one year before he fought the municipal elections.
In 1888, a prominent Congress leader, Ali Mohammad Bhimji visited Punjab as the representative of the party to feel the political waters of that area. The letters to Sir Sayyed Ahmad had made Lala Lajpat Rai a noted political figure.
Ali Mohammad met him and extended formal invitation to him to join the Congress to participate in the freedom movement of India.
At that point of time Congress party was still evolving and was in formative stage. The aims and the objectives of the party were not clearly defined or charted out.
In the beginning years of the party the British Government of India was sympathetic to it. It thought that the Congress party could serve as a bridge between the people and the government. It was supposed to be a stage on which the Indians could vent out grievances to cool down their tempers and serve as pressure release valve. The government even allowed its servants to take part in the meetings and the conventions of the party.
Then, Congress raised the ‘Home Rule’ demand on the lines of Ireland. It annoyed the British rulers. Now they saw the Congress party in different light, a trouble in the making. The government became suspicious of the intentions of Congress and banned the participation of its servants in the party.
Lala Lajpat Rai decided to meet Congress leaders in its annual convention and assess the party. The convention was to be held in Allahabad in 1888.
Lala Lajpat Rai was warmly greeted at the railway station by Sir A.O. Hume, Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya and Pandit Ayodhyanath. Later, he attended the meetings.
It was Lala Lajpat Rai’s first close encounter with the Congress party and its prominent leaders. His first impressions were not positive. He couldn’t make up his mind about joining it. He decided to wait and watch.
Again, in 1889 the annual convention of Congress was held in Bombay. Lala Lajpat Rai attended it as a private observer. The convention was presided over by Mr. Charles Bradlow. Lala Lajpat Rai met Mr. Bradlow and Sir A.O. Hume to gauge them. He got the impression that both the English gentlemen were more interested in making names for themselves and getting glorified than serving the cause of India.
Lala Lajpat Rai again was put off.
He didn’t attend the following three conventions of the Congress held in 1890, 91 and 1892.
Meanwhile, the Congress party had grown teeth. As a result it put forward ‘Home Rule’ demand to the chagrin of the British. Dada Bhai Naoroji was responsible for the new aggressive approach of the Congress. Naoroji had served as a member of the British Parliament. He had stayed in England and closely studied the political working of its parliamentary set up and general situation in that country. In England, he addressed various groups of people, professionals and citizens and detailed to them the massive and the heartless exploitation of India by the British colonial rule. He evoked sympathy among the listeners.
Dada Bhai Naoroji attended the 1893 Congress Convention held at Lahore. He, infact presided over it. Naoroji praised Lala Lajpat Rai’s works in social reforms and in the field of education.
Lala Lajpat Rai, while playing politics had never forgotten his reforms works. He had been ceaselessly collecting funds for new schools and colleges. He understood the importance of education, the only weapon that could deal with most of the problems his country suffered from. While collecting funds he reminded people, “I am collecting these funds for the future of our country, your future. This money will give education to the students of today. These very students, tomorrow, as educated citizens will take charge of the independent India to take it into a new future where there will be no social evils, ignorance and poverty. That is when our culture will be redeemed. The schools set up by your money will teach the students our glorious past, rich cultural heritage and thoughts. Then, they will cleanse our society of the evils that have set in and the foreign influence.”
His exhortations were so touching and passionate that even niggardly persons opened their purses and the women would willingly give away their ornaments. He soldiered on with a missionary zeal.
No wonder that Dada Bhai Naoroji had heard about him and his work.
Lala Lajpat Rai took part in this convention and delivered a couple of speeches. He couldn’t help becoming a member of the party. After all, it was the only vehicle that had the potential to wage a battle against the colonial rulers.
The next convention of the party was held in Bombay. Lala Lajpat Rai led a delegation from Punjab to it. But it was no smooth sailing. He had to face some unpleasant situations to his shock.
The Bombay convention was presided over by Mr. Feroz Shah Mehta. The Congress was split in two factions, Softliners and Hardliners. Lala Lajpat Rai was a hardliner who believed in throwing direct challenge to the government by adopting confrontational policies. The President, Feroz Shah Mehta was a softliner who hated the proclaimed hardliners like Lajpat Rai. Mr. Mehta was totally against the confrontation with the government.
So, Lala Lajpat Rai had to face some ugly situations and unpleasant encounters.
In the convention, he got the chance to meet the great reformist leader and educationist Gopal Krishan Gokhale. It was some consolation to him.
Another good fortune of Lala Lajpat Rai was his meeting the ardent disciple of Swami Vivekananda, the German born, Sister Nivedita. She loved India as her own country. She intensely despised the British and held them responsible for the degradation of India.
Lala Lajpat Rai was deeply impressed with her.
Many of the Arya Samaj leaders were not in favour of Lala Lajpat Rai getting closer to the Congress. They wanted Lalaji to remain exclusively committed to Arya Samaj movement for two reasons. The first was that Arya Samaj leaders joining the politics of the Congress party could draw the attention of the British government towards it. If freedom politics became hostile it was feared that the administration might crack down on Arya Samaj and harm it. It was already in the bad books of the government which suspected Arya Samaj movement to be harmful for the British at social level. Arya Samaj was pronouncedly against western culture and thought. The second reason was that many Arya Samaj leaders thought that the Congress would put Hindus at disadvantage. The party was secular and it treated Hindus and Muslims alike. Due to social evils and a long history of defeats in wars with no victory to its credit Hindu society suffered from deep set inferiority complex. Muslims in comparison suffered no such trauma. The Hindus had little self-respect, religious fervour and unity.
But the fact was that Lala Lajpat Rai couldn’t keep himself away from politics because he understood that the political freedom of India was as vital as social reforms.
During the next seven years Lala Lajpat Rai played little active role in Congress politics although he kept writing articles in Congress journals and other publications.
The reasons for his low political profile were many. Arya Samaj leaders kept dissuading him. And he also suffered poor health. The illness kept him bedridden for years. Many of his close friends believed that he won’t survive. All through this period his mind became more and more political.
He proved his friends wrong by miraculously regaining health. But he suffered a great loss. His younger brother Dalpat Rai passed away. T.B. claimed him. Dalpat Rai was a dedicated Arya Samaj worker and an adherent to its ideals. Lala Lajpat Rai had great expectations from him. His death was a cruel blow to him.
When he recovered from his grief Lala Lajpat Rai resumed his social duties. He ceaselessly travelled and spoke at Arya Samaj meetings and D.A.V. Colleges.
Then, famine struck. Lala Lajpat Rai collected funds and financed several famine relief works.
It was during this period that he brought out several books, autobiographies of great persons and the freedom fighters of the world and books for children. For two years he edited ‘Arya Gazette’ in cooperation with Lala Hans Raj. For his own enlightenment he made a deep study of religious scriptures.
With the recovery of health he regained his zest for freedom politics of Congress party. He started meeting Congress leaders and attending its meetings.

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