Good organiser tatya

Tantya wanted to make such organisation which might be capable to wage war with British. First of all Tantya got together the soldiers of mutiny.
After that he invited adjacent kings, great kings, Nawab and landlords by writing letters to support Nana against the British.
Thus in a short time Kalpi being a powerful centre of revolution. Some of the Nawabs and landlords reached with their armies.
In this manner two powerful centres established in Kalpi and Fatehpur Chaursi. One of them was in north-east across Ganges and other was in south-west across Yamuna.
Tatya’s new strategy
This time Tantya conferred a new method of night attacks stealthily to tease the British.
Tantya organised night attack troops. These troops used to tease the British attacking now and then. On the other side, same type of troops of Fatehpur Chaurasi attacked at Shivrajpur, Bilhaur, Jajmau, Akbarpur, Brahmavart across Ganges. In addition Bhognipur, Shivli and Ghatampur were also not untouched of these night attacks.
By such attacks the British were horrified. They were attempting to prevent such attacks but success was at a distance. Reluctant they deputed army troops to prevent night attacks and for their arrest. But they couldn’t succeed.
If British squad interfered them then within moments they escaped.
In the area around Kanpur British had to be a loser in establishing of their reign.
Revolutionary state establishes
It was the result of Tantya’s courage that it was just a miracle that in so short duration a new revolution state had established. It had two headquarters—Kalpi and Jalalpur.
Revolutionary leaders set up universal monarchy in Jalalpur on the shore of river Betwa near Kalpi.
Establish by revolutionist the boundaries of this state were spread from the right shore of river Yamuna to the boundary of Gwalior state. Check posts were set up at many place where confidential officers of Tantya were appointed.
For preparations of War Tantya introduced his intelligence and foresight.
Cannons forging job was running in Kalpi, gun powder too was being prepared. Connon-balls and bullets were being produced.
It wouldn’t be wrong if we say that fort of Kalpi had been converted in an industry that producing armaments.
A net off spies was casted over small portions of north India to aware Tantya the movement and activities of the British.
Although Tantya established this state, even then all activites were carried out in the name of Nana Sahib.
In spite of this achievement wound of Kanpur defeat on Tantya’s heart did not healed so far. He once anew desired to overcome Kanpur, but it was not so easy. He knew that to conquer Kanpur anew he would have to confront well arranged and astuate army of British. Though he possessed two thousand soldiers in Kalpi but were unexperienced and illetrate.
The Gwalior army
There were two sections of army in Gwalior, one was army of Jiyaji Rao, another was an assistant army.
Assistant army came in origin by a pact between British and Gwalior state. According to pact a British army was kept reserved in Gwalior named as assistant army for safety of Gwalior state.
This army was a part of Bengal army, but soldiers were of Avadh origin. Tantya left Kalpi and reached Gwalior. He had secret meetings with the representatives of these armes. At last Tantya got success by his well behaviour and intelligence. Assistant army agreed to stand by him.
the british shuddered
As the British recevied the news that assistant army has merged with Tantya they shuddered.
Reaching Kalpi Tantya undertook preparation to invade Kanpur in a prowered manner. He got the news that revolutionist leader of Bihar Kunwar Singh is staying at Banda. Tantya invited him to invade Kanpur and Kunwar Sing reached in Kalpi alongwith his army.
General Campbell was incharge of Kanpur safety in these days, but he set out for Lucknow with a huge army and entrusted the safety charge of Kanpur to Vindham.
Departing he ordered Vindham to remain in the boundary for self protection if revolutionist invade.
Through his spies Tantya was geeting news of Kanpur smoothly. When Tantya obtained the news of departure of British army for Lucknow then he thought it a better chance to invade Kanpur.
Under the guidance of Tayta revolution armies marched toward Kanpur.

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