Career in The Parlance of Universe
New possibilities have risen in the field of Celestial Sphere Physics. It is an important career. It is a branch of physics science, which has a deep relation with maths. For understanding and illuminating the secrets of universe; study of Celestial Sphere Physics is of great importance. It is one such career which is yet to be tapped because the fact that very, less information in is available to students. There is a great demand for trained people in this field. Celestial Sphere Physics includes study of the heavenly bodies. When we look at the sky in open weather, we can see stars along with heavenly bodies.
Till the end of the 19th century, there was no existence of Celestial Sphere Physics as a subject. Basically it was recognised as a part of maths and astrology science. But now this fact has been established that Celestial Sphere Physics is not similar to Astrophysics and Astronomy. To study the space and space bodies, modern developed labs has recognised Celestial Sphere Physics as an independent subject. In Maths, Astrology positions and speed of bodies and planets are analyzed, whereas in Celestial Sphere Physics, Analysis of growth, temperature and texture of heavenly bodies and its physics is been done.
Students studying Celestial Physics have to do three types of research in which principal, and practical research are included. For a capable and successful celestial physics scientist, it is essential to have the knowledge of, present law of imagination, a definite thought, detailed knowledge of a particular spot. Detailed and deep study of a particular spot, search of new law and of problems related to nature, Knowledge of predictions made on new law of nature, analysis of comments, and predictions made on new laws, etc., are also included.
Students entering in the field of Celestial Sphere of Physics are expected to have a high level education. This subject and field is full of specialization. Therefore, in order to get admission in this course, candidate must be a Post Graduate in physics, science or maths. Engineering graduates are also Eligible. Those young people interested in Ph.D in the filed of celestial sphere physics, their minimum qualification eligibility is Post graduation in Celestial Sphere Physics, Maths or Engineering.
Renowned American Institution, “National Aeronautics and Space Administration” is the head institution of this field. It is also famous by the name of “Nasa”. This institution handles projects in American and European countries for which there is always a great demand of Celestial Sphere Scientists. Most of the Indian scientists are engaged on different projects. Most of the research institutes of India are working on heavenly bodies and subjects related to it. Main institutions in India are “Indian Institute of Astro Physics, Bangalore, Raman Institute, Bangalore, Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astro physics – Pune, National Centre for Radio Astronomy, Pune, Physical Research Laboratory Allahabad, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai, etc.
There is a growing demand for Celestial Sphere Scientists at different centres of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). There are great possibilities for appointments for people trained in Celestial Sphere Physics in other developed countries of the world and laboratories and training institution located there.
Major Institutions
- Inter University for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune -411007 (Maharashtra)
- Nuclear Science Centre, New Delhi – 110007
- Physics Science Department, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad – 380009 (Gujarat)
- Physics Science Department, Pune University, Pune – 411007
- Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad-380009 (Gujarat)
- Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai-400005