Procrastination is the thief of time

It is a mid 18th-century proverb. The saying comes from Night Thoughts (1742–45) by the English poet and dramatist Edward Young (1683–1765).
It means that someone who continually puts things off ultimately achieves little. If you put off doing what you ought to do, you will end up not having enough time to do it properly. The adage ‘procrastination is the thief of time’ should ring a bell for everyone. Time is an essential aspect of life for every human being. Time once lost, is lost forever. If unfortunate, you will never acquire opportunities again and may be lucky, you will attain better chances in life, but the same opportunity that you obtain in that particular moment will be lost forever.
The more we delay or procrastinate, the more we tend to lose out on many things of life. After all, time is money. Time is treasure that is insoluble—a mystery we must set out to figure. By procrastinating, we are rescheduling the things in our life that shouldn’t necessarily be overlooked. Time lost, is a loss forever and it can’t be retrieved.
Jim: Have you started looking for a job yet?
Jane: Oh, that can wait till tomorrow.
Jim: Procrastination is the thief of time.

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