The proverb comes from the famous song Home, Sweet Home, by John Howard Payne.
Home is the most satisfying place to be. Your home is a special place. Nothing can replace your own home. Home is the best of all places. For a place that is so familiar, home is peculiarly difficult to define and to research. There is no place like `home’ because people construct its image in memory and imagination. Home, it is argued, is imaged on many different levels. At a surface level, home is known in terms of its location, fabric, decoration, furnishing and amenity; it is a place that is known intimately. At a deeper level, home is defined in terms of the kinds of relationships people have, or would like to have, with others inside and outside of the home. Deeper still, home is a representation of cultural identity and provides a collective sense of social permanency and security. People rarely think about home at this level, it is argued, unless reappraisal is forced upon them by a significant life event like migration between cultures or because of cultural invasion from without.
After his long trip, Bob came into his house, sat down in his favourite chair, and happily sighed, “There’s no place like home.”
Jane: Are you glad to be back home from school? Jenny: There’s no place like home.