Synonyms : Penetrating, edged, razorlike, piercing, acute, eager, sharp shrewd, sagacious, astute, discerning, quick.
Antonyms : Bland, lanquid, dull, indifferent, blunt, slow, stupid, dry, plain, laziness, drab, unintelligent, insensible.
Synonyms : Detain, preserve, carry, maintain, refrain, sustain, withhold, guard, detail, celebrate, conduct, defend, protect, support, retain, hold, fulfil, conduct.
Antonyms : Throw away, reject, ignore, overlook, finish, avoid, release, liberate, lose, free, giveup, discard, cast away, neglect, disregard, cease, destroy.
Synonyms : Assassinate, dispatch, massacre, murder, slaughter, destroy, put to death, butcher, execute.
Antonyms : Fashion, cause, originate, enliven, revive, vivify, create, produce, deliver, support, nourish, bringup, give-birth.
Synonyms : Benign, generous, sympathetic, merciful, philanthropic, forbearing, compassionate, affabel, lenient, charitable, tender, complaisant, species, style, genus, sort, brand, make, manner, type, nature, race, category, family.
Antonyms : Callous, unkind, insensible, harsh, cruel, unfeeling, hard-hearted, hard, usual, common, customary.
Synonyms : Inflame, light, ignite, fire.
Antonyms : Put out, satisfy, extinguish, satiate.
Synonyms : Majestic, august, imperial, royal, grand, noble, imposing, monarchial.
Antonyms : Cheap, graceless, petty, poor, mean, ignoble, impoverished, inferior.
Synonyms : Skill, ability, aptitude, aptness, adroitness, faculty, readiness.
Antonyms : Awkwardness, inability, disability, clumsiness, ineptitude.
Synonyms : Perceive, comprehend, apprehend, recognise, understand, discern.
Antonyms : Be ignorant, misunderstand, be unfamiliar with.
Synonyms : Science, wisdom, intuition, comprehension, cognition, information, acquirement, erudition, learning, enlightenment, scholarship, lore, light, intelligence, perception, acuaintance, achievement, attainment, acquaintance.
Antonyms : Unfamiliarity, misunderstanding, unawareness, missapprehension, ignorance, inexperience, illiteracy.
Synonyms : Revealed, recognised, comprehended, familiar, understood, discern.
Antonyms : Unknown, secret, unrevealed, unfamiliar, unrecognised, ununderstood.

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