Sales promotion letters

Since there is a natural resistance to letter aimed at persuading, sales letters call for a different approach in order to convince people to place an order or take some other suggested form of action. Sales letters should thus be aimed at overcoming resistance.
To begin a sales letter with a statement of its purpose or of the price at which goods or services are on offer, has the effect of fanning reader’s resistance. We need to begin by thinking about the person to whom we are writing. For example, a lawyer studies his opponent’s case just as sharply as he does his own clients. Similarly, in all sales letters, we must begin by studying our reader’s interests and ask ourselves how he is likely to be affected by what we say. First and foremost, our opening paragraph must establish rapport by arousing the reader’s interest and willingness, even a desire to know more about what we are trying to sell. Then and only then can we enter into a profitable discussion of the goods or services we want our reader to buy. Therefore, in letters which may invite resistance, the opening paragraph must be given special care so that the message that follows may have a fair chance of at least being read. Thus, the type of approach required is persuasive.
1. General sales letter:
Dear Sir,
As you are our regular customer, we hope you will be interested in the latest baby-care products we have recently introduced into the market, on the terms and conditions mentioned in the enclosed catalogue. We are looking forward to a large order from you.
With regards,
Yours truly
Munna Bhai
2. Letter about introducing a new product:
Dear Sir,
May we take this opportunity to introduce our new vibration pillow that we have launched in the market. We will soon be despatching its sample and hope you will approve of its quality. We can allow regular trade discount on bulk orders. As you were in search of something like this, we hope to hear from you soon.
With regards
Yours sincerely
Ravi Khera
3. Letter of soliciting a customer for a product:
Dear Madam,
Do you believe that Diwali comes but once a year? It comes every week or every month of the year, to those whose friends and relatives gift them Magazines. Magazines—the modern era gift. Everyone wants them—appreciates them—all you need to spend is as little as Rs. 12 to Rs 360 to send a cheerful weekly on monthly reminder of your good wishes. So stop worrying about gift; give magazines, they are suitable for every age.
Thanks you
Yours truly
Mahesh Sharma
4. Letter of selecting a customer for a service:
Dear Sirs,
We understand from M/s Vasu and Co., that you are need of the service of a clearing and forwarding agent. We would be pleased if you could consider the facilities we are prepared to provide. Our experience in this field has made us familiar with all the details of the work involved, and has placed is in a position to offer material saving in the clearing and forwarding jobs of our clients.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Gaurav Savant

5. Letter for an offer from manufacturer to retailer:
Dear Sir, We have sent you a sample of our instant snacks, which we have just introduced in the market. This product is a result of long and careful research, and we are confident that it will fulfil a long-felt need. Immediate despatch is guaranteed as we have ample stocks. We ask you to seriously consider this offer of a unique product at a generous discount of 20% alongwith a 30 days credit. Thanking you Yours faithfully Kishore Kumar

6. Letter to retailer for price increase:
Dear Sirs,
We are compelled to raise the prices of our items by 15% from the 1st of next month, due to heavy import duty imposed recently by the government, on our raw materials. In coming years, however, because of the better yield, the price of raw material is expected to come down, so it is a t emporary increase. Our new price list is being prepared, and will be sent to you as soon as it is ready. We hope that this increase in prices will not make any difference to our cordial relations.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Suraj Lal Soori

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