Pure Botany : It deals with the study of plants as they are found in nature.
Applied Botany : It deals with the study of applied aspects of botany to the usefulness of mankind.
Morphology : It deals with the study of different organs of a plant.
External Morphology : It deals with the study of external characters of plant organs. Plant organs mean the study of root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit, seed, etc.
Internal Morphology : In this branch internal structure of different plant organs is studied.
Histology : This branch is concerned with the study of tissues of the plants.
Anatomy : This deals with the study of different tissues of plant organs, like—root, stem, leaf, flower, seeds, etc.
Cytology : Study of cell structure and functions.
Phycology : In this branch we study algae.
Mycology : It deals with the study of fungi.
Lichenology : it deals with the study of lichens.
Bacteriology : It deals with the study of bacteria.
Virology : It deals with the study of viruses.
Bryology : It deals with the study of bryophytes.
Pteridology : It deals with the study of pteridophytes.
Embryology : It deals with the study related to gametes, fertilization and development of embryo.
Palynology : It deals with the study of pollen grains and spores.
Ecology : It deals with the study of interrelationship between living bodies and their environment.
Plant physiology : This branch deals with the study of absorption of water and mineral salts by plants. It also deals with the study of photosynthesis, respiration, and growth, etc.
Phytogeography : As the name indicates, it deals with the distribution of plants on earth in the past and present.
Genetics : It deals with the study of heredity and variations.
Palaebotany : It deals with the study of fossil plants.
Agriculture : Study dealing with cultivation of crops.
Horticulture : It deals with the study of garden plants for fruits and flowers.
Forestry : Study of forest plants for timber, etc.
Pharmacognosy : It deals with the study of medicinal plants.
Plant Breeding : It deals with the study of newer and improved plants.
Plant Pathology : It deals with the diagnosis, cure and prevention of plant diseases.
Biotechnology : It deals with the utilization of living organisms obtained from them in industrial production.
Economic botany : It deals with the uses of plants and their products.
Ethnobotany : It deals with the study of the plant lore of a race or people.
Phytochemistry : It deals with the study of chemicals present in the plants.
Agronomy : It deals with the management of Agricultural crop plants.
Pomology : It deals with the study of fruits and fruit-yielding plants.
Floriculture : It deals with the study of cultivation of flower-yielding plants.
Olericulture : It deals with the study of cultivation of vegetable crops.
Arboriculture : Study of growing ornamental plants.
Sylviculture : Study of growing timber-yielding trees.
Agrostology : In this branch we study grass plants.
Pedology : Science dealing with the study of soils.
Anthology : It deals with the study of flowers.
Anthotaxy : The arrangement of flowers on the peduncle.
Autecology : Ecology of an individual species and its population including the effect of other organisms and environmental conditions on every stage of its life cycle is called autecology.
Biochemistry : Study of chemicals related to living organisms.
Biometrics : It deals with the application of statistics for analysing biological problems.
Cytogenetics : In this branch we study chromosomes and their role in inheritance and evolution.
Dendrology : It deals with the study of trees and shrubs.
Karyology : It deals with the study of nucleus.
Limnology : In this branch we study the physical, chemical, meteorological, and biological conditions in fresh water.
Exobiology : It deals with the study of living organisms in space.
Radiobiology : It deals with the study of effects of radiations on living organisms.