1. Diseases and Juicing

Dr. Louis Kulne in his book ‘The New Science Healing’ has observed that toxic accumulation in the human body is the root cause of all diseases. Such accumulations are absorbed in the blood stream and they cause all ailments in the body. So the proper method to remain free from any disease is to detoxify the whole body by means of consuming fresh fruit or vegetable juice in the morning.
Here are some Juice mixtures for common diseases:
Acne, Pimples—Sweet Lime (mausami), cucumber, marmelos and papaya juice.

Juices are best remedy in many ailments

Adenoids—Carrot, beet, lime and orange juice.
Allergy—Lemon, marmelos, papaya and cucumber juice.
Anaemia—Apple, mausami, carrot and spinach juice.
Amenorrhoea—Fig (dummer) or fennel juice regularises menstrual flow.
Appetite loss—Juice of orange, lemon, marmelos, tomato and garlic.
Arthritis—Garlic, narangi, onion, bitter karela, neem and lemon juice.
Ascites—Juice of lemon, mausami, tomato, papaya and marmelos.

Rest is must for the patient suffering from Asthma

Asthma—Juice of orange, carrot, beet, garlic, onion and spinach. A few slices of onion should be taken at supper time alongwith a few cloves of garlic in order to get sound sleep at night.
Backache—Juice of garlic, orange, bitter-gourd, margosa leaves, carrot and beet.
Beriberi—Juice of garlic, mausami, bitter-gourd, lemon, margosa leaves. Billousness—Juice of mausami, tomato, papaya, marmelos, lemon.
Bites of insects—If you apply garlic juice to the affected part, you will get instant relief.
Bladder trouble—Mausami, cashew nut, garlic, lemon, papaya and marmelos juice.
High Blood Pressure—Garlic, tomato, marmelos, papaya, mausami and santara juice. A few cloves of garlic should be chewed daily in the morning. Wheat grass juice is an excellent cure for high B.P.
Low Blood Pressure—Carrot, beet, spinach, grape, apple and mausami juice.
Burns—Apply crushed potato juice on the burns and then leave it bandaged for a day, you will find prompt relief.
Boil and abscess—Garlic, watermelon, cucumber, marmelos and onion juice. Crushed garlic juice may be applied locally on the boils.
Bronchitis—Carrot, beet, orange, grape and spinach juice. A few cloves of garlic should be chewed daily in the morning for some time.
Cancer—The whole body is required to be detoxified by consuming raw fruit juices like mausami, orange, garlic, onion, lemon, pineapple. Crushed garlic may be applied externally on the affected part. Fix in with a sticking plaster and to be changed every four hours till complete recovery.

Liquids are very useful in certain diseases

Take juices of garlic, mausami, orange, pineapple, papaya, tomato, marmelos, spinach, carrot, beet in plenty. Crushed garlic may be applied externally on the affected part in case of skin cancer. Onion slices should be taken with lunch.
Cold and cough—Mausami, orange, garlic, apple and grape juice. Liquorice with honey may be found useful. Ginger with tulsi leaves with honey may be taken.
Constipation—Mausami, pineapple and lemon juice. Beal juice and papaya slices have marvelous effect on bowels.
Defective vision—Carrot, beet, orange and mango juice. Diabetes—Mausami, lemon, tomato, orange, marmelos, papaya, garlic juice. A glass of mausami juice daily in the morning will give instant relief.
Diarrhoea—One glass of mausami juice should be taken in the morning. Marmalades of raw marmelos should be taken for some time. Half ripe tomatoes are also useful. Green plantain will be helpful.
Dysentery—One glass of mausami juice should be taken in the morning. Marmalades of raw marmelos should be taken for some time. Half ripe tomatoes are also useful. A soup of green papaya will be very helpful.
Eye troubles—Carrot, orange, beet and spinach juice.
Fatigue or Stress—Carrot, beet, orange, grapes and apple juice.
Fever—Orange, grape, apple, carrot and beet juice. Liquorice with honey will be very useful. Ginger and basil leaves may be taken.
Gastric ulcer—Cabbage juice is highly effective in gastric ulcer. Half boiled green papaya and plantain (kanchkala) is also very helpful. Marmalades of raw marmelos should be taken daily.
Gout—Garlic, lime, orange, carrot, beet and lemon juice. Fried garlic cloves should be taken daily.
Heartburn—Lime or lemon juice will be very useful. Tomatoes, marmelos, papaya, cucumber may be taken.
Heart attack—Mausami, lemon and orange juice is recommended. Banana is good for heart. A vegetarian diet can prevent 90% of thrombo-embolic diseases and 27% of other coronary occlusions.
Headache—A cool and refreshing drink made of green coconut, cucumber, water-melon and peppermint will be very useful if taken after a cold bath. Avoid tea or coffee.

Head massage provides relief from headache

Impotency—Walnut, cashew nut, peanut, chestnut, pistachio, hickory nut, mango, grape, orange and pea.
Insomnia—If you eat fried garlic (a few cloves) at supper time and one raw onion, you will surely get a sound sleep.
Liver troubles—It is necessary to sip a glass of mausami juice in the morning for some time. Marmalades of raw marmelos will be useful. A soup made of green papaya and green plantain will be very useful. Tomatoes (half ripe) also will be very useful. Sugarcane juice, radish and spinach juice is also useful. Potato is good for liver in jaundice.
Loss of memory—Lime, orange, grape, garlic and lemon juice.
Ophthalmia—Cucumber, tomato, marmelos, papaya and onion juice. Guava is also good.
Prostate gland disorder—Garlic, mausami and orange juice.
Rheumatism—Garlic, mausami, orange, tomato and lemon juice. Avoid any kind of meat.
Rickets—Vitamin D is practically absent in fruits and vegetables. Sunbath is essential. However the juice of mausami, orange, grape and garlic will be very useful.
Scurvy—Garlic, mausami, orange and lemon juice. Guava is a good source of vitamin C.
Sinus trouble—Garlic, orange, lemon, apple and mausami juice.
Sciatica—Garlic, mausami, orange and lemon juice.
Sore throat—Garlic, mausami juice. Gargles are must.
Teeth—If you take a few cloves of fried garlic every day, you will surely get instant relief. Mausami, orange, lemon juice will be very useful.
Travel sickness—Lemon and mausami juice.
Tumour—Carrot, beet, mausami, orange, garlic, onion and lemon juice.
Dr. S. Firenczi, a cancer specialist of Hungary, found beet juice most efficient in curing various tumours. One half to one kilogram of raw beet juice daily in small doses after meals and between meals were given to tumour patients.
Vomiting—Lemon and mausami juice will be very helpful.
Weakness—Mausami, carrot, beet, orange, lemon, grape and apple juice.
Worms—Chiraita and lime water taken in the morning destroy worms. Raw karela or neem juice will also be very useful.

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