10. Margosa (Neem) (Part I)

Neem is cool and has soothing effect. It is antiseptic in nature. It is a blood and air purifier. It helps in eliminating digestive problems, cough, cold, fever and other physical ailments.
Every part of the tree—rind, leaves, wood, flowers, fruits have great medicinal and therapeutic properties. Neem has contributed in manufacture of various Ayurvedic, Unani and Allopathic drugs. The use of bark of neem purifies the blood. It is digestive, suppresses ill effects due to wind, bile and phlegm.
The oil extracted from neem is very useful for imparting energy and is a great antiseptic. The oil extracted from its ripe, yellow flowers known as Margosa oil is beneficial for curing Arthritis, Leprosy, Leucoderma and other skin diseases. Neem soap is a great antiseptic, which cleans the body of all external impurities. Neem is an insecticide, which destroys and kills germs, insects. Dry Neem leaves in the cupboard or boxes protects the clothes, books etc. from worms and other insects.
Neem’s tender twigs used as tooth brush are beneficial to keep gums and teeth strong and shining, free from bad odour and pyorrhoea. Its wood is used for making furniture. Neem tree is a natural air purifier, which wards off foul gases and gives oxygen.
Curative Properties
Dropping one or two drops of juice of fresh neem leaves in the nostrils cures headache.
Applying neem oil on the bald portion preferably at night and washing the head in the morning stops the falling of other hair and helps in their growth.
Falling Hair & Grey Hair
Washing the hair with water (in which neem and beri or simple neem leaves are boiled) stops falling of hair and helps the hair to grow and be black and lustrous. This is also useful to kill lices in the hair.
(Precaution : This water should not enter in eyes).
Applying paste of leaves of beri and neem in proportion of 2 : 1 on the head washing after 6-8 hours stops hair falling and make them soft and shiny.
Applying neem tel helps in stopping fall and greying of hair and makes them black and soft. (Grind neem leaves with water and strain it. Mix sarson ka tel and extracted juice of neem in equal quantity and boil it on low flame till all the water evaporates. After cooling store in a bottle for use).
Applying paste of nimbolis of neem and washing the head after 3-4 hours helps in eliminating lices and improves growth of hair.
Taking the steam of boiled water having neem leaves in it by the ear gives relief in ear-ache.
Dental Troubles
Using fresh neem twig piece as brush for cleaning the teeth makes the gums strong, eliminates foul smell and cures pyorrhoea.
Use of neem tooth powder (Dry the branch of neem tree with leaves in shade. Burn it. Grind it with little peppermint, salt and cloves and then strain it through a cloth) strengthens the gums and teeth and check foul smell.
Drinking and gargling with neem water (in which fresh new leaves are boiled) stops dental decay and pain in the teeth.
Gargling with neem decoction (made with boiling of neem leaves flower, nimboli, root and branches in equal proportion) gives relief to tooth-ache by eliminating infection in gums.
Gargles with neem juice mixed with lukewarm few drops of honey cures cough trouble.
Digestive and Stomach Ailments
Taking 10 gms of powder (made by grinding rind of neem, dry ginger and back pepper straining it through a fine cloth) with water in morning for 3 days cures acidity problem.
Taking ground 20 neem leaves, 2 cloves, 3 seeds of black pepper with little sugar and water twice a day for 2 to 3 days cures indigestion.
Eating 10-12 ripe nimbolis daily with or after food activates digestive system and normal appetite is resumed. This cures flatulence.
Taking 3 gms. of neem juice, ginger and mint juice 1 gms. each, little ajwain, kala namak and sendha namak after food cures digestive problems.
Drinking neem water (boil 100 gms. of neem leaves in 250 ml. water and strain it) 2 or 3 times a day helps in regaining normal appetite.
Taking 4 gms. of choorna (by grinding green but dry leaves) with water 3 or 4 times a day activates appetite and cures dyspepsia.
Rinsing the mouth with hot water in which 10 gms. neem leaves have been dissolved early in the morning cures constipation.
Taking neem water (grind 25 gms. neem leaves mix it in 125 ml. water and strain it) cures nausea and vomiting.
Heat inner bark of neem tree on iron tava. Grind it nicely when burnt. Taking a pinch of this powder with curd helps in curing loose motions.
Swallowing powdered neem seed and sugar with water controls loose motions.
Taking ground 10 leaves of neem and mishri with water checks diarrhoea especially in summers.
Taking neem decoction (prepared by boiling neem rind in double quantity of water) or 2 gms. ground rind powder or honey juice in a day activate the system and controls dysentery.
Taking 10 gms. juice of neem leaves in the morning also helps in curing it.
Taking decoction of neem leaves (heat the juice of neem leaves on fire, cool and strain it) cures dysentery.
Chewing a few neem leaves helps in eliminating fatigue.
Eating chutney of neem leaves with little honey in it impart energy and removes fatigue.
Chewing 5 leaves of tulsi and 5 leaves of neem with honey gives instant relief and energy.
Itching & Other Skin Ailments
Applying paste of nimbolis ground with water or neem oil on affected part cures itching.

  • Taking 20 gms. of juice of soft fresh neem leaves 2 or 3 times a day cures itching caused by impurity of blood.
  • Taking 30 gms. of neem juice (soak ground neem leaves and flower if available in water overnight and strain it) with honey cures all impurities of blood.
  • Applying paste of neem leaves mixed with curd on affected part cures ringworm.
  • Applying the neem ointment (put a branch with green leaves in boiling mustard oil in an iron utensil. Move it with neem stick until it gets thickened into ointment) on the affected part is very beneficial for all types of bowls pustules.
  • Taking 10 gms. of neem tody (a type of secretion from certain neem trees) cures all types of blood impurities and checks skin diseases.
  • Taking this neem tody regularly for 6 months to 1 year is very helpful in chronic cases of leprosy and other skin diseases.
  • Taking 5 gms. juice of fresh neem leaves and bathing with neem water (water with neem leaves boiled in it) helps in curing various skin diseases.
  • Swallowing 1 tsp. powder of dried neem leaves, neem flower and nimboli in equal quantity once in a day cures leucoderma.
  • Taking fresh juice of neem leaves regularly stops the pimples and acnes. Applying paste of neem rind or neem oil also cures pimples and acne.

Stones in Urinary Bladder
Taking 2 gms. burnt ashes of neem leaves with water breaks the stones, which come out with urine. (Burn the leaves in a utensil after drying them in shade. Cover the utensil, after 4 hrs. grind the leaves.)
Taking 3-4 nimbolis regularly helps in stopping excessive bleeding in piles.
Taking powder made of 3 gms. inside part of the rind of neem with 5 gms. of jaggery regularly cures piles.
Applying and rubbing about 5 drops of neem oil on the haemorrhoids for 7-8 days helps in curing piles.
Taking powder of 10 nimboli seeds, little sendha namak, gur or mishri with fresh water two times a day helps in curing piles.
Taking the juice of the rind of neem with white cumin seeds checks leucorrhoea.
Drinking cow’s milk with little neem oil in it at night regularly cures this.
Menstrual Disorders
Taking juice of 10 fresh neem leaves and ginger juice in the same proportion with 10 ml. water eliminates and cures excessive pain during menses.
Taking paste or neem leaves (neem leaves to be boiled and ground) below the navel will check pain during menses.
Labour pain and Delivery
Tying neem root in the waist of pregnant woman helps in early child birth.
(Caution : This neem root should be thrown away soon after child is born.)
Taking neem water (in which neem leaves have been boiled for 15-20 minutes) will make the delivery less painful.
Taking juice of fresh neem leaves on the 1st day of child birth helps in contraction of uterus and works as an antiseptic.
Taking neem water (water in which neem bark is boiled) when thirsty for the 1st 6 days after child birth is good for the mother’s health.
Urinary Problems
Taking 15 gms. juice of tender branches of neem with sherbat of unnab or sandalwood twice a day eliminates burning sensation or obstruction in the urinary passage.
Taking about 20-30 gms. of juice of root of sweet neem regularly cures urinary obstruction and burning.
Taking 2-3 pounded leaves of neem with black pepper on the day of the turn of malaria helps in checking it.
Taking 1 gm. powder of neem leaves and posta doda with water, checks the inset of fever (on its turn day).
Taking 60 gms. ground neem leaves 4-5 black pepper seeds mixed with 120 ml. of water twice a day works as a preventive against malaria.
Massaging the scalp and hair with neem oil is also helpful.
Chronic Fever
Taking neem water (boil 500 ml. water with 21 neem leaves and 21 black pepper seeds till the water remains 125 ml.) twice a day cures chronic fever.
Massaging the swollen parts and other joints with neem oil is very useful. (Boil 50 ml. mustard oil and put fresh neem leaves in it till it become a bit black. Strain it and keep it in bottle).
Even cooking the food in this neem oil is advisable for patients of arthritis.
Massaging the affected portion with oil extracted from the seeds of neem invigorates the dead muscles and tissues.
Taking decoction of rind of neem (40 gms. rind of neem to be boiled in 100 ml. water till 30 ml. is left. Strain it) in the morning before breakfast eliminates sugar count in the urine.
Taking 10 gms. grounded leaves, 4-5 black pepper seeds and sugar with water in the morning regularly helps in eliminating the disease.
Taking grounded neem leaves and sugar mixed with water after heating it a little cures the disease.
Taking 25-30 drops of oil extracted from seeds of neem in betle leaf give great relief in asthma.
Blister in the mouth
Applying neem tel on the blister with cotton cures them.
Sore Throat
Gargling with lukewarm juice of neem leaves and water cures soreness of the throat. 5 drops of honey and 2 drops of ginger juice may be added to extract the phlegm and eliminate the infection.
Taking 10 gms. juice of neem leaves, ground jeera, mint and kala namak twice a day with lots of water intake during the day eliminates the burning sensation around the heart region.
Taking neem chutney with meals is very useful for controlling bile and stopping burning sensation.
Nose Bleeding
Applying paste of neem leaves with little ajwain on the temple stops bleeding.
Drinking juice of neem leaves like namkeen sherbat especially in summer is a preventive to those who suffer nose bleeding.
Poisonous Insect bite
Chewing fresh neem leaves with or without little salt and pepper helps in eliminating poison.
Giving 3-4 drops of neem tel to children and 5 to 6 drops to adults helps in killing the worms of intestines.
Taking 2 tsp. fresh neem leaves juice with 1 tsp. honey kills the worms.
Taking the paste of 1 tsp. of juice of fresh neem leaves with a little heeng in it kill the worms.

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