Human skin has been divided into the following categories:
Normal Skin, Combination Skin, Greasy Skin, Sensitive Skin, Dry Skin, Chapped Skin, Sallow Skin, Withered Skin
We shall be discussing each of them separately.

Normal Skin
A clear, fine textured, supple and smooth surface which is neither greasy nor dry are some of the characteristics of this type of skin. The possessor of this skin generally keeps good health which stems from smooth blood circulation. Not requiring much of the care, even if normal body cleaning operations are performed twice a week, this type of skin maintains its healthy glow. However, remember you should not use hard soap but only mild baby soap because hard soaps with their acidic contents tend to remove the normal shine of the skin earned by the natural and healthy flow of blood. At night, in order to keep your skin’s normal moisture balance, apply a thin film of any home made moisturiser. In case, due to vagaries of weather you feel your skin getting more oily or extra-dry in any area of your body, you may apply the lotion or remedies mentioned later for these varieties of skin. But remember to treat only the particular area and not the whole region.
Greasy or Oily skin
Normally this variety of skin has coarse pores and pimples or other embarrassing blemishes. In case you have such type of extremely oily skin, take a diet rich in proteins but restricted in sugar, fluids and salts. Also take plenty of leafy vegetables and fresh fruits. Pork and fried and highly seasoned items of food should be avoided. Have your blood brought upto par by suitable administration of necessary vitamins, iron, minerals and similar substances. Besides taking internal care of yourself, you should also take equal care of yourself externally. Half an hour before taking your bath apply on your face half teaspoon each of lime and cucumber juice mixed together. If it is excessively oily, mix a few drops of Eu-de-cologne. This not only helps keep oiliness away but also helps in opening the pores of the skin by acting as astringent, thereby preventing acne. At times your make up would appear to be becoming patchy either on the forehead, chin or more due to excessive oiliness in these areas. The best remedy, in such cases, is application of the cold cucumber juice on the excessively oily parts of your face, dry it thoroughly and then apply your make-up. In case your whole face turns patchy after make-up is applied on it, then apply equal parts of lime juice and witch-hazel. Dry before putting on your make-up. Applying cold pack, following the drying operation, will add to the lustre of your skin.
Sallow Skin
This a typical skin with a distinct ‘Colourless look’. It appears almost dead, lusterless and devoid of normal vital glow. Such persons invariably are the patients of anaemia with their diet substantially lacking in Vitamin ‘B’ and Iron. The Vitamin B, particularly B1 is very good for curing you of paleness because it keeps the skin well-nourished and rose by keeping the blood circulation normal. Also active physical exercise will help you as it keeps the blood circulation normal. Fresh blood and increased oxygen remove that dull and blemished look of the skin.
For fighting against the malady of this type of skin, there is an exercise called ‘The Hollywood glam’ which in face, is not a whole exercise but just position. But it helps you greatly overcome this trouble. Lie flat on your bed with your feet elevated 12 inches higher than your head. Start with 10 minutes of elevation and gradually work up to 30 minutes. The cleansing technique depends on whether your skin in dry, oily or normal. Also, if your skin is not extra-sensitive, a good idea is giving yourself a facial, once a week, to give an impetus to your blood circulation. More exercises for skin-care will be discussed later.
Combination Skin
Combination skin means the type of skin that is both oily or greasy, and dry in different parts of the body. Normally people of this type of skin have a greasy centre panel consisting of nose, forehead and chin. Why a dry panel consisting of cheeks, mouth and the areas around the eyes? As mentioned in the skin categories

of the relevant type, treat dry areas with home-made cold or moisturising creams, while greasy patches with regular home made astringents. Some special home-made creams and whiteness recipes are given ahead.
Sensitive Skin
A sensitive skin is a thin or fine textured skin that looks very delicate. It reacts quickly to both heat and cold. It, therefore, gets sunburns or windburns quite easily. If you have this type of skin, use sun-screen lotions or creams. Wash your face with mild baby soap, rinse thoroughly and pat the skin dry with a soft towel. Such people should never use rough towels. Also it is important for the people of this type of skin that they should never use any cream or lotion or perfume/dry etc., even synthetic clothes without first conducting their priorities of the material on the inside of your wrist to see the reaction of your skin to the substance. It is because not many items of make-up agree with a sensitive skin. Also applying home-made moisturising cream on your face before retiring for the night is a necessary precaution for the persons with sensitive skin.
Chapped Skin
The rough texture of the skin which appears to be cracking sometimes falls in this category. In case the cracks develop on your skin, then every day, at bed-times, take the white of an egg, mix in one ground almond and sharply apply on your face. When the skin feels dry, wash off the paste with water and apply home made nourishing cream. Such person should avoid using soap totally because due to its acidic reaction soap dissolves the fat from the skin and takes them away from the surface. Instead, clean your skin with gram flour made into paste with fresh bath, massage yourself either with warm olive, mustard or coconut oil. Also, after bathing blot yourself dry; don’t rub yourself rigorously with a bath towel. Every night, before you retire, apply home made cold-cream. In case you cherish to maintain the youthful loveliness of a clean and flawless complexion, use cold or nourishing cream every night after crossing 25 years of age. Such persons shouldn’t wear tight-fitting woollens or rough clothes because they have the tendency to aggravate this itching or scaling. If you have to use woollens first wear woollens, without their having any evil effect. In case you have developed scales the ideal remedy is to take saline bath. Prepare the bath in the following way:
Add about 20 gms of sodium chloride (table salt or rock salt) in a tubful of water and soak in this water for about 15 to 20 minutes twice daily. Getting out of the tub, let your body dry naturally and then massage gently either with Almond or Olive Oil. Although appearing simple, this treatment often brings about a great reduction in chapping and scaling. This also provides great relief from itching. However, this treatment is recommended only when you are in the zenith of your health.
Withered Skin
This is a typical type of skin which has a very rough texture usually replete with wrinkles. It is due mainly to over-exposure to extremes of climate as too much heat or too much cold causes this state of skin. To protect yourself from falling a victim to such a skin, always use sun-screen lotions or creams whenever you have to go outdoors for a good length of time. Soap being a taboo, always clean your face with milk cream, soap tends to aggravate the problems of this type of skin. Also, do not forget to use a moisturizing cream at night. Make the mixture the following way and use it in the morning half an hour before taking bath:
Take an egg’s white and mix in one tablespoon of honey and one-fourth teaspoon of carrot juice. Let this mixture remain on your skin for about 20 to 30 minutes. Don’t remove it rubbing off with hands but with a cotton wool-soaked in warm water (to which a little of soda bicarbonate has been added). This treatment will surely remove roughness and wrinkles from the skin. Also, when you go to take your bath, add two tablespoons of olive oil to the water in the tub before entering it. The ladies, with this type of skin, should use moisture laden make-up base in all the seasons. Also they must not ever prefer an ordinary skin but a lipstick with a creamy base. These external precautions will keep your even withered skin glowing naturally.
Identify Your Skin Type
By answering the questions below you can find out what type of skin you have. Just tick the answer—a, b, c or d—that closely applies to your skin.
After cleansing, how does your skin feel?
a. Tight and rough
b. Smooth and supple
c. Slightly oily
d. Oily in some areas, tight in others.
How often does your skin break out in spots?
a. Almost never
b. Rarely
c. Often
d. Only in the T-zone (across the forehead and down the nose and chin).
Which of the following best describes your skin texture?
a. Smooth and transparent
b. Firm and even
c. Slightly rough and uneven
d. A mixture of the above
How does your skin look during the day?
a. Flaky and chapped
b. Clean and fresh-looking
c. Shiny
d. Shiny in the T-Zone
Now add up how many a’s, b’s, c’s and d’s you scored.
—If the majority of your answers are a’s, your skin is dry.
—If the majority of your answers are b’s, your skin is normal.
—If the majority of your answers are c’s, your skin is oily.
—If the majority of your answers are d’s, your skin is combination.
Basic structure of your skin
Knowing a title about the structure of your skin will help you appreciate why certain things are good for it while others are not. Understand your skin and you are half-way to a glowing, healthy complexion.
The skin consists of three main layers—the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis.
The epidermis is the outermost layer and is a microscopic 0.2 mm (8/1000 inch) thick on the face. The surface consists of dead cells which are in the process of flaking away and new ones which are growing to take their place. Between the epidermal cells are formed and progress to the surface. It takes approximately twenty-eight days for a new cell to reach the top.
The dermis is usually 1.8 mm (7/1000) thick. It is composed of a fibrous protein called collagen, elastin, which make the skin supple, and a network of blood vessels, nerves, oil and sweat glands, pores and hair follicles.
The hypodermis is the tissue beneath both epidermis and this dermis. It contains muscles, veins and fat-cells and its thickness varies according to the part of the bodies.
The sebum and sweat produced by the oil and sweat glands in the dermis form a hydrolipidic film on the skin. This film, known as the ‘acid mantle’ lubricates the skin’s surface, helps to repel bacteria and protects against irritation. The acid mantle maintains the skin’s slightly acid (pH) level. It takes one to two hours for the skin to return to its normal pH level after washing. Harsh cleansers, such as soaps, reduce the removal process. It is the activity of the sebaceous (oil-producing) glands that determine your skin type.
Functions of the Skin
- Provides a protective barrier between the environment and the body.
- Shields internal organs from injury, sunlight and germs.
- Sensory organ—it is sensitive to touch, pain and temperature.
- Keeps body temperature constant.
- Provides a waterproof barrier.
- Serves to maintain the balance of body fluids.
- Organ for elimination of fluids, minerals and other biochemicals.