Mouth, throat and teeth are the part of our oral hygiene. Generally, we doesn’t care them properly. But for healthy body it is must to keep these organs in good form.
Sore Throat
Apply licorice paste around the throat for relief.
Eat a plain betel leaf (pan) with licorice 2-3 times a day.
Drink tea boiled with ginger and a few tulsi leaves 2-3 times a day.
Gargle with warm salt at least twice a day. However do not make gargling sounds as this may aggravate the soreness.

Pound 2-3 cloves (laung), garlic and add to a cupful of honey. Keep for 1-2 days. Have one teaspoon thrice a day.
Drink lots of water (10-12 glasses) everyday, since most throat problems are intensified by dehydration.
Have the mixture of ½ teaspoon honey and ½ teaspoon lemon juice every 1-2 hours.
Throat Pain
Crush a few neem leaves with water. Remove pulp. Warm it up. Add a little honey and gargle three or four times a day.
Mix 1 teaspoon lime juice and 1 tablespoon honey. Swallow tiny amounts slowly 2-3 times a day.
Throat Hoarseness
Soak 8 to 10 almonds overnight in 1 cup water. After discarding the outer skin, grind the kernels with 8 to 10 black pepper corns in 1 cup water. Sift it and drink once a day, after adding sugar candy to taste.
Take 1 teaspoon onion juice mixed with 1 teaspoon honey.
Pour 1 glass boiling water on a mixture of 1 teaspoon each of crushed cinnamon sticks and green cardamoms. Keep aside. Filter and use as a gargle when warm.
Boil 2 teaspoons fennel seeds in barley water and take twice or thrice a day.
Hoarse Voice
Mix seeds of green cardamom (chhoti illaichi) along with 1 tablespoon honey. Lick everyday.
Add 2 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds to 6 cups of water. Heat on low flame for 15-20 minutes. Cool it to bearable temperature. Strain and gargle with this, 2-3 times a day.
Heat a cup of milk till warm. Add 1-2 pinches of turmeric powder (haldi), mix well and drink at night.
Just extract the juice of 10 tulsi leaves, add a little of honey and lick it. Just a small spoonful quantity of this solution will soothen your throat nerves and your voice will be again sweet.
Bad Odour
Use neem twigs as toothpaste.
Powder the dried mint leaves. Use as toothpowder.
Boil some cinnamon in a cup of water. Store it in a clean bottle. Use it as a mouthwash frequently.
Parsley leaves are rich in chlorophyll, nature’s own deodoriser. Chew some leaves regularly and your breath will remain fresh. Alternatively, you can chew some cardamom seeds (illaichi) to sweeten your breath. Chew some fennel seeds frequently.

Chew a piece of cinnamon put in a betel leaf.
Tea made by boiling 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds taken twice or thrice a day. A little honey or lemon juice can be added to improve the flavour.
Mouth Infection
Powder dried mint (pudina). Use it as toothpowder.
Mouth Inflammation
Soak 1 tablespoon crushed licorice (mulathi) root in 2 cups of water for 2 to 3 hours and use it for gargling frequently.
Mouth Ulcers (Apathae)
Chew one or two tender leaves of fig and leaf buds frequently and wash the mouth with warm water.
Soak 1 tablespoon crushed licorice (mulathi) root in 2 cups of water for 2 to 3 hours and use it for gargling frequently.
Boil 2 tablespoons fenugreek (methi) leaves along with ½ cup green gram (saboot moong dal) and 10 small onions. Eat regularly.
Roast and powder fenugreek seeds. Add it to drinking water. Drink 2-3 times daily for 2-3 days.
Pour boiling water over fenugreek (methi) leaves. Keep aside till lukewarm. Strain and gargle with this infusion, 5-6 times daily for a couple of days.
Mix some coconut milk with honey and massage the gums 3 to 4 times a day.

Mix a cup of bel pulp with 1 teaspoon sugar and eat early morning on an empty stomach for 3 days.
Prepare coriander decoction by boiling 1 teaspoon coriander seeds in 1 cup water and gargle frequently, when lukewarm.
Gargle with (or apply) freshly extracted coconut milk from a ripe coconut frequently.
Mix the pulp of a ripe bel fruit with jaggery (gur) and eat once a day.
Mouth Boils
Take just a leaf of chameli plant, and four leaves of tulsi. Chew them properly for a few minutes and suck the juice. In a day or two the trouble will vanish.
Teeth are very vital factors in the process of digestion because it is they which first deal with the food one eats. These teeth are of quite different varieties. Some cut the food, some munch it and some press it with the help of saliva. Teeth are important not only to help indigestion but also to keep the face beautiful.
Toothache and infirmity Of Teeth
Take 10 gms. of pippali churna, sendha namak 10 gms, grind them to a powdered form and use this combination as tooth powder to clean your teeth.
In case of toothache, rub a little of honey over your teeth and allow the saliva to flow out of the mouth. If your teeth has a worm or cavity then fill it with the above mentioned powder and then rinse your mouth.
Take ammonium chloride 5 gms. and put it by the help of a cotton wad to the affected teeth. Allow saliva to ooze out. The toothache shall vanish soon.
Heat 1 teaspoon coconut oil and fry 3 pieces of cloves (laung) powder. Apply on the affected area.
Apply nutmeg oil in affected parts.

Burn the shells of almonds and powder it. Use as toothpowder.
Soak a piece of cotton wool in a few drops of clove oil. Press on affected areas.
Paste of dry ginger applied to gums alongwith a little salt.
Apply a mixture of powdered black pepper and clove oil on the affected part.
Pound some asafoetida (heeng) in a mortar and pestle and add some lime juice. Heat it slightly. Soak a piece of cotton and put it on the affected area.
Take three gms. of turmeric, three cloves and three dried leaves of guava. Boiling them in 250 ml. of water and after straining it through a fine sieve, rinse your mouth with this lukewarm water for about 15 minutes. You get instant relief. Alternatively, roast a turmeric piece in hot ash and then press the turmeric by your aching teeth. Do so for two minutes and then the saliva come out of your mouth. Spit it away. Soon the trouble will vanish.
Yellow Tooth
Mix salt with finely powdered rind of lime (nibu ka chilka). Use this as toothpowder frequently.
Burn the shells of almonds and powder it. Use as tooth powder.
Filthy Teeth
Take about 50 gms. of keekar wood, roasted alum 20 gms. and namak lahori 10 gms. grind and sieve the whole mixture and rub this powder over your teeth every morning and evening.

Burn an oyster shell to ashes, add a little of salt, grind and sieve through a fine cloth and preserve the powder for rubbing it over the teeth.
Teeth Weakness
Burn to ashes a piece of turmeric, grind it with Bishop’s weed (ajwain) and use this mixed powder as tooth powder. Continuing cleaning your teeth with this powder would provide relief in a couple of week’s time. When you apply this powder to your teeth, allow the saliva to ooze out for a few minutes before rinsing your mouth. But, avoid taking very hot drinks and stop consuming sweets in excessive quantity.
Tooth Decay
Take a piece of turmeric, roast it and then grind it to powder form. Then fill this powder in the cavity caused by tooth decay. In case you are unable to sleep owing to toothache caused by the decay in teeth or tooth, then grind turmeric, bishop’s weeds and cloves and tie them in a small piece of cloth. Put this cloth below the aching teeth press it mildly and let the teeth get the essence of these ingredients. As you ooze the saliva out your toothache will vanish with it.

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