18. Treatment for Male Disorders

Male disorders include impotency, early ejaculation and sexually transmitted diseases besides physical weakness.
Testes Problem
It there be swelling on the testes or any other problem concerning with testes, apply the paste prepared in the following manner over the testes. Take about 5 gms. each of a camel’s dung, Amarbel (easily available in Mango groves), the leaves of Arhar and tulsi leaves, Grind them to a homogeneous paste in a little of cow’s urine, when the paste is ready, apply it over the testes thickly. Allow it to dry and remove it in the morning. A week’s treatment will cure all troubles connected with the testes.
Venereal Disease (Gonorrhoea)
Juice of tulsi leaves is very effective to cure all sort of these troubles. Take 5 gms. each of tulsi seeds or dried tulsi leaves, Kalami shora and the grains of small cardamom. Grind them together to powder form. Have this combination (just 1/2 a gm.) with 100 gms. Kacchi Lassi (raw milk and water combination).

Add water twice the amount of milk. Drink this lassi with that powder thrice or four times a day. But don’t add either salt or sugar in it. About a fortnight long this treatment shall get you cured from any sort of veneral disease.
Nocturnal Ejaculation
Grind the dry ginger and add sugar to it. Have this powder everyday in the morning. First eat the powder (about 10 gms.) daily and inhale it with 100 ml. of milk.
Take about 5 gms. of misri with 100 ml. of milk in the night or morning.
Take a glass of cold water as the first thing in the morning after you have cleared your bowels.
Take mochras, kamarkas, khus-khus (kinds of poppy seeds) and 6 gms. of Bishop’s seeds. Grind and sieve them to a powdered form. Take this powder daily with 250 ml. of milk for quick relief.
A glass of cold water on an empty stomach in the morning is highly recommended. 10 grams of dry coriander grind in water and sweetened with sugar should be taken in the morning.
6 grams of leafshoots of acacia grind in water also help this condition.
A sufferer from nocturnal pollutions must take exercise in the evening (before dinner) so that he becomes too tired to dream and has a sound sleep.
Deteriorating Sexual Potency
Take 30 gms. washed Urad Dal and fry it in pure ghee. Then mix it in 300 ml. of milk and thicken it to kheer form. Then add sugar as required and eat it hot. This kheer is very efficacious to enhance your sexual potency.
Take white Moosali 25 gms. Isabgol Bhusi 40 gms. and grind and sieve both to get a soft powder. Cook the whole lot in about 300 ml. of milk. Add sugar and have it daily in the night after your dinner to enhance your sexual potency.

Take 2 teaspoons of amla juice and mix it with two teaspoonfuls each honey and lime juice. Add 1 teacup water and drink on an empty stomach every morning.
Attention : The treatment should continue for at least 120 days to achieve expected results.
Boil 1 teaspoon grind fenugreek seeds in a cup of water and drink.
1/2 teaspoon ginger juice mixed with honey and a semi boiled egg, taken at night.
Mix 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg (jaiphal) powder in a teaspoon honey and take milk an hour before going to bed.
Onion seeds (kalaunji) dried and powdered, 1 teaspoon eaten 3 times daily along with sugar or honey.

Take about 100 gms. of the seeds of radish. Dry them fully then pound them to powder form. Now strain them through a fine but coarse cloth. Start taking 5 gms. of this powder with 100 gms. of butter. If butter is not available, you can have it with cream as well, in about 10 days time you shall be again virile. But continue the treatment for atleast one month.
Fry equal quantities of carom seeds and kernel of tamarind seeds in ghee. Powder this mixture and store in a dry, cool place. Mix 1 teaspoon of this powder in a glass of milk along with 1 tablespoon honey. Drink daily at bedtime.
Soak 8 to 10 almonds and 1 teaspoon rice overnight. Remove the outer skin. Grind into a fine paste. Mix in some milk and a pinch of turmeric powder. Boil and drink along with sugar candy or ordinary sugar to taste.
Mix ¼ teaspoon saffron with milk. Take twice daily.
Premature Ejaculation
Take 10 gms. pure ghee, 5 gms. honey, grind licorice 10 gms. Make a paste of all the three and lick it regularly. Inhale it with 250 ml. of milk. Have it after the intercourse.
Grind dry coriander seeds, mix it with ‘mishri’ and have about 5 gms. of this powder inhaled with cold water.
Take basil seeds 50 gms; sugar 50 gms. and grind and sieve the whole lot. Take just 6 gms. of this powder, and drink it with 100 gms. of milk early in the morning.
Take the seeds of Lajwanti plant and mix it with equal amount of sugar. Take 5 gms. of this mixture and inhale with 100 gms. of milk. This combination thickens the semen and stops early ejaculation.
Impotence is a disorder peculiar to males: in females the corresponding disorder is known as frigidity (the absence of sexual desire and a failure to respond to sexual stimuli). Impotence may be defined as the inability to perform the sex act or incomplete performance (premature ejaculation) which leaves the female partner dissatisfied. Impotence may be organic or functional.
It has been found that in a majority of the males suffering from impotence, the reasons are psychological. If the reasons for impotence are psychological only a proper psychoanalysis of the patient will help. It could be explained to the sufferer that having masturbated in early life does not sexually incapacitate a male. But after all the psychological methods have been tried, the following remedies should be used:

In case of spermatorrhoes (ejaculation even without the penis having attained tumescence), tender, seedless pods of Acacia should be dried in the shade and powdered before being mixed with an equal weight of raw sugar. 6 grams of it should be taken with milk in the morning.
Leaf shoots of Banyan tree may be substituted for acacia pods.
Cotton tree dried in the shade and powdered before mixing it with an equal amount of raw sugar should be taken in 10 grams dose with milk.
50 grams each of Kernels of seeds of Bastard Teak (Dhak) and siris tree finely grind and mixed with 50 gms. of raw sugar should be taken in 6 grams dose every morning for three weeks to relieve the condition. 50 grams each of dry amla and mango, ginger, Amba Haldi should be powdered and mixed with an equal weight of raw sugar. The daily morning dose is six grams, taken with milk.
Physical Weakness
Soak 2 or 3 dried figs overnight in 1 cup water. Eat them along with 1 tablespoon honey the next morning. Continue for a month.
Fry in 1 tablespoon butter, 2 teaspoons each wheat flour, almond paste and poppy seeds paste. Eat this along with 1 cup boiled leaves of fenugreek.

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