3. How Does Reiki Heal?

We are alive because life force is flowing through us. Life force flows within the physical body through pathways called chakras, meridians and nadis. It also flows around us in a field of energy called the aura. Life force nourishes the organs and cells of the body, supporting them in their vital functions. When this flow of life force is disrupted, it causes diminished function in one or more of the organs and tissues of the physical body.
The life force is responsive to thoughts and feelings. It becomes disrupted when we accept, either consciously or unconsciously, negative thoughts or feelings about ourselves. These negative thoughts and feelings attach themselves to the energy field and cause a disruption in the flow of life force. This diminishes the vital function of the organs and cells of the physical body.
Reiki heals by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy. It raises the vibratory level of the energy field in and around the physical body where the negative thoughts and feelings are attached. This causes the negative energy to break apart and fall away. In doing so Reiki clears, straighten and heals the energy path ways, thus allowing the life force to flow in a healthy and natural way.
What Can be Treated?
Reiki is both powerful and gentle. In its long history of use it has aided in healing virtually every known illness and injury including serious problems like: multiple sclerosis, heart disease and cancer as well as skin problems, cuts, bruises, broken bones, headache, colds, flu, sore throat, sunburn, fatigue, insomnia, impotence, poor memory, lack of confidence, etc. It is always beneficial and works to improve the effectiveness of all other types of therapy. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance and has many benefits for both client and practitioner, including altered states of consciousness and spiritual experiences.
If a client has a healthy condition, and wants to be treated with Reiki, it is recommended that he should do so under the supervision of an enlightened medical doctor or other health care professional. Reiki will improve the results of all medical treatment, acting to reduce negative side effects, shorten healing time, reduce or eliminate pain, reduce stress, and help create optimism.
Kirlian Photography
Kirlian photography is a technique that allows the etheric energy patterns around living things to be photographed. The process was pioneered by Semyon Kirlian, a Russian Researcher in the 1940’s. It is based on a phenomenon known as corona discharge. When an object is in a high frequency electrical field and becomes grounded, a spark discharges between the object and the electrode a piece of film

Images from Kirlian photography

is placed between the object and the electrode and the discharge pattern is captured on the film. When a living thing is used as the object, beautiful colours and patterns seem to follow the pattern of the etheric aura, which is a field of energy surrounding all living things.
Giving a Complete Reiki Treatment
Before the client comes you may want to clear and lighten up the energy in the room by burning some incense sticks or using an essential oil. Candles are also helpful and create a nice ambiance.

  • Spend a few minutes talking with the client to gain rapport. Explain the Reiki process, and the hand positions and answer any questions the client may have.
  • Wash your hands before and after the treatment. Make sure the client and you are comfortable during the treatment. If you sit in an uncomfortable position, it will slow the flow of Reiki. Especially make sure your arms and hands are relaxed. A massage table with chair will make giving a treatment more comfortable.
  • Before starting the treatment, ask the client to close their eyes, and meditate on being thankful for, and open to all the healing energies that are coming to his/her. You can also ask them to focus on any pleasant feelings that develop and to let go of distress.
  • Sit quietly with your hands on your legs doing Reiki on yourself for a few moments. Then draw the power symbol from the top of your head down to spiral in the solar plexus so as to clear, protect, and empower you.
  • Make the power symbol in the middle of the room, and visualize it on the four walls, ceilings and floor to clear the room of negative energies and fill the room with light. Then say a prayer asking your guides and the client’s guides as well as the angels and all the healing forces of the Universe to work with you to protect the process, and create the most powerful healing possible.
  • Draw the power symbol on each of your palms and draw all three symbols over the client’s heart, or draw the symbols over the client’s Crown chakra imagining them going through the crown and into the heart.
  • Scan.
  • Begin the standard treatment. Remember to draw or visualize the power symbol over any areas that need special attention. Also, visualize the power symbol inside the body within the organs, or areas that need healing.
  • Do beaming. This is best done by moving five or six feet away so you are outside the client’s aura.
  • While giving Reiki, meditate on the Reiki energies and on the consciousness of Reiki allowing your consciousness to become one with the Reiki consciousness. Also, your mind will be one with the client’s mind when giving a treatment so project positive thoughts to the client during the treatment such as “I know I am healed, I know I am solving my problems” or other affirmations you and the client have formulated.
  • End the treatment by sealing the client’s energy field by drawing the power symbol on the client’s solar plexus and covering it with your hand briefly and stating to yourself, ” I completely seal this Reiki treatment with divine love and wisdom.” Brushing down the aura from the head to the feet also helps to complete the treatment.
  • After the client has gone, sit quietly doing Reiki on yourself. Visualize the power symbol on the walls and in the centre of the room to clear and protect the room. Your Reiki energies will be high at this time so use them for your special projects, distant healing etc.

Additional Preparations
Here are few additional things you can do to empower the Reiki treatment. Doing them will add an interesting dimension to the treatment as well as make it more fun. You can do them all or just a few. They can also be used in self treatment.
Have the client write out the things that are not working in their life as desired. Include all areas of life (this will cause the problems to come to the surface where Reiki can work more easily on them). On another paper, have them write out the goals and positive results they would like to achieve. Give them a few minutes by themselves to do this.
Then help the client formulate affirmations to heal the problems and achieve the goals. Write them on another piece of paper. Take all three papers and put them into an envelop and have the client hold them while receiving the treatment. Be sure to use the mental/emotional symbol (this symbol opens the subconscious) during the treatment and draw it with your finger on the papers.
During the treatment, have the client repeat the affirmations to themselves. While giving the treatment, imagine you are projecting the affirmations into the client. Remember, during a Reiki treatment the client will be very open to positive suggestions so this is a very powerful process.
Burn the papers in a metal bowl after the treatment. If doing this indoors, find a safe place. Do this as a symbolic ritual. Imagine the flames are transmuting the unwanted conditions into healing and that the goals are being empowered. During the burning, have the client join you in holding your hands toward the flames (keep safe distance) and secretly use Reiki symbols, visualizing them in the flames. Have the client take the ashes home and bury them in their garden.
The attunement process not only opens the palm chakras so that Reiki can flow, it also heightens their sensitivity to psychic energy. By using the chakras in the palms of your hands, it is possible to sense where the client need Reiki.


First, say a prayer asking to be guided to the places where the person needs Reiki. Then place your left hand (or non- dominate hand) about 12″ away from the top of the person’s head. Place your consciousness in the palm of your hand and notice how it feels. Then move your hand closer to about 3″-4″ from the top of the head and begin moving your hand over the person’s face and moving down toward the feet continuing to remain about 4″ away from the body.
Move your hand very slowly and be aware of any changes in the energy on the palm of your hand. When you feel any change at all, then you will know that this is a place where the person needs Reiki. You may feel coolness, warmth, tingling, pressure, little electric shocks, pulsations, distortion, irregularity or a pulling. The change may be very slight and you may think it is your imagination. However, trust in your experience. Remember when you first begin to practice scanning, your sensitivity may not be developed yet so you need to pay very close attention. As you practice your ability to scan the body will improve. After a while, you may even find you can scan with your eyes and sense where the problems are or you could begin to actually see the distressed areas.
As soon as you find a change in the energy field, move your hand up and down until you find the height where you feel the most distortion. This could be as high as several feet above the body or you may feel compelled to actually touch the body with your hands. Often the best height is found to be about 4″ or so.
When you find the right height, bring both hands together at this spot and channel Reiki. Reiki will heal the problem in the aura and also flow into the physical body and work on the organs and tissues connected to the problems in the aura.
Remain channeling Reiki at the detected spot until you feel the flow of Reiki subsiding or until you feel the area is healed. Then re-scan the area to confirm that it is healed—if not, you can continue to do Reiki there until it feels complete. Then move your hand down until you find an other area in need of healing and do Reiki there. Continue until you have scanned and healed the whole energy field.
Scanning and healing the energy field is very healthy . The cause of most illnesses and other problems is usually in the aura. By treating the aura, you will be working on the cause and also will be healing problems before they get a chance to develop in the physical body. Also, once a problem develops in the body, the problem in the aura can become worse. In addition, healing the aura first, helps the person’s energy field accept Reiki more completely and allows it to flow more easily to where it is needed when giving a regular Reiki treatment. Therefore, if your are going to do both scanning and a regular treatment, scanning should be done first.
As you interact with the client’s energy field, you will become intimately connected to them. You may become aware of the cause of the distortion and the personal problems connected to it. You may also be given insight into how the problems were created and what the client can do to facilitate the healing. Share this information only if you are guided to do so and then, only with loving kindness and without judgement. This is sacred work. Always treat the client and the process with great respect.
The scanning process can also be done on yourself. Follow the same steps as above, looking for distortions and administering Reiki when you find them. Self scanning can bring into consciousness aspects of yourself that you were not aware of. You will get to know yourself better and be shown new levels of yourself that need healing.
When you find a distortion in your energy field, ask what happened to create the distortion, and what you can do to help the healing. Remember, be kind to yourself. Accept whatever is shown to you without judgement or blame. Allow yourself to feel your feelings. Be ready to forgive and to let love in. This can be an intimate process, making you aware of deeper needs, increasing your sensitivity and facilitating personal growth.
It is possible to use the distant healing symbol, to beam Reiki to your client from across the room. This can dramatically increase the amount of Reiki flowing through you to the client. It also creates a unique healing process of treating the whole aura at once, before entering the physical body where it is needed.
It is also possible to Beam Reiki directly to a specific area. Just imagine that your hands are like radar dishes and you are focusing Reiki on the area you want to treat. You can also direct it with your eyes by focusing your visual attention on the area.


This process works better if you allow your consciousness to merge with the Reiki consciousness. Simply allow your attention to dwell on your awareness of the Reiki as it flows through you. Focus your mind only on the Reiki. If other thoughts come into your mind, gently brush them away and bring your attention back to the Reiki. By doing this you will enter an altered state that allows the energy path ways. Reiki flows through to open more than normal. It also allows your Reiki guides to more easily add their Reiki to yours. Beaming can be done at the end of a standard treatment or it can be done by itself .
A complete treatment can be given to yourself or others with the hands 1″ to 4″ from the body using the standard hand position. Because the hands are in the aura, the Reiki first treats the aura before entering the physical body. Illness exists first in the aura before manifesting in the physical body. Treating through the aura will help prevent physical illness before it develops.
The Reiki energies will act in a different, often more powerful way, when using this techniques. They will easily travel through the aura to other part of the energy field; often flowing through and surrounding several areas at one, filling them with warm, loving nurturing energy before entering the physical body at the place. It is needed.
Many people find this method to be more effective while others prefer physical contact. You can use one or the other or you can mix the two. Simply allow your intuition to guide you in deciding where to use physical contact and where to treat through the aura.
In some areas, one must be a licensed medical doctor or have a massage license in order to touch the physical body. If that is the case and you don’t have a license, then it is recommended that you do the complete treatment without touching.

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