The Sleeping Knights (Poland)


Once a stranger went to a blacksmith and gave him a gold bar to make a horseshoe from it. He promised to pay a great amount but the blacksmith must promise not to tell anyone. The blacksmith agreed. When the horseshoe was made, the stranger took him to a cave. Inside, an army of knights were sleeping, holding battle axes and spears. There were beautiful sleeping horses with their horseshoes made of gold. The stranger asked the blacksmith to replace the broken shoe of one horse.

The stranger told him that the knights had been in a deep sleep for hundreds of years and they would wake when time came for a great battle. The knights would then come out of the cave to fight for Poland. The stranger then took the blacksmith back to his village and made him swear never to tell anyone what he had seen. He gave the blacksmith a bag of gold and vanished. The blacksmith, however, could not keep the secret. So, his bag of gold soon turned to sand and he searched for the cave many times but never able to find it.

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