• Common name : Lemon Cucumber
• Scientific name : Cucumissativus
• Family : Cucurbitaceae
• Native land : East Indies
Lemon cucumber is an annual vining cucumber plant. The plant can grow up to 0.75 to 1.50 feet tall. It performs best in full sun. The fruit is apple-shaped with lemon-yellow skin, and is extremely sweet. Resembling a lemon in colour, size and shape, the white flesh of lemon cucumber is sweet with a superb crunch. The lemon cucumber produces its first ripe fruits within 55 to 65 days of planting when given proper care and growing conditions. Just like a kiwi, the skin of lemon cucumber has tiny bristles that are edible. It is commonly used in a variety of ways, including raw in salads, pickled, sliced, stir fried and in soups.