The Psittacus Alexandri Linnaeus (scientific name) or mustached parakeet is a native of the Himalayas, and is also found from Southern China to Indonesia. With a maximum height of 16 inches, the mustached parakeet is easily identifiable because of the mustache-like markings below its beak. While the male is more attractive in the species, with a red breast and bright green plumage, the female is only slightly different to look at because of the bluish tinge to its face. Their diet is comprised of seeds, blossoms and fruit. Breeding starts in April, with the female laying 2-4 eggs, which are incubated for 22 days. The scientific name of these parrots commemorates Alexander the Great, who introduced these parrots to Greece. Its IUCN listing is NEAR THREATENED.
Mustached Parakeet