
The Phoenicopterus (scientific name) is a genus comprising of flamingos. Out of the 6 species of flamingos, four are found in America and two are Old World birds. Approximately 42 inches in height, a flamingo has pinkish-reddish body plumage. The legs are long and stilt-like and it enjoys standing on one leg with the other tucked in. The beak is thick and curved downward at the end, with black, white and pink colouration. The pink colouration is a result of its food. Its diet is comprised of blue-green and red algae, diatoms, larvae, insects, crustaceans and small fish. An average clutch has 1-2 eggs which are incubated by both parents for 27-31 days. Its IUCN listing varies between the LEAST CONCERN to VULNERABLE from species to species.

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