Once, a samurai visited a monk and asked, “Do you know where paradise is? Or where is hell? And where are the gates of heaven and hell?” The samurai continued, “I only know about life and death. But now I want to know where the gate to escape hell and go to heaven is!” The monk answered in such a way that the warrior could understand. The monk asked, “Tell me who you are.” The samurai replied proudly, “I am the leader of samurai, and I get a tribute from the Emperor.” The monk laughed and said, “But you look like some poor old man!” The samurai’s pride was hurt. He forgot the purpose of his visit and pulled out his sword. The monk laughed again and said, “This is the gate of hell. You can easily open it with a sword–your anger and ego.” The samurai calmed down and sheathed his sword. The monk continued, “Now you have opened the gate of heaven.”
Paradise is in Our Mind