Good Deed for Christmas

Once, there was a very kind girl. She loved to help anyone in need. Christmas was on the way. One day, she found some birds trying to find food and water in the chilly weather. The girl felt bad for the birds. She wanted to help them. Thus, she got down to make a bird-feeder. First, she put some glue on a plastic bottle. Then, she put some moss on it and let it dry. After that she put seeds in the bottle. Then, she tied the bottle with its neck facing downwards on a tree. Her bird-feeder was ready. The girl went inside her house and watched the bird-feeder from there. Soon, many birds came near the feeder. They happily ate the seeds from the feeder. The girl had also kept water near the feeder. It was a wonderful sight to see. The girl had done her good deed for Christmas.

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