It was winter time. The feel of Christmas was in the air. Lilian had a post box at her gate. She used to check it every day for post. One day, as she was taking out the post, she saw some birds huddled inside the box. Lilian was delighted to see the birds. She exclaimed, “It seems some birds are taking shelter in here. Poor things have nowhere to go in this freezing weather.” Then Lilian thought, ‘What should I do? I should not disturb them.’ She thought hard. Then an idea struck her. She went to the garage and took out an old box. She decided to use it as a bird house. Then she went to the post box. She opened the door for the birds to come and go in the old box. Then she wrote a note on the box saying, ‘This is a bird house. Keep away!’ She wished the birds Merry Christmas!
The Bird House