Saved by the Snowman

Once, there was a family. There was a lot of excitement in their house as it was Christmas. The children made a beautiful snowman who stood facing the house. The children played around him all day. When it became dark, the children went inside the house. The snowman looked through the windows of the house. The Christmas tree was beautifully decorated with lights. However, upon looking closely, the snowman saw that the curtains in the room had caught fire. The snowman could not stop himself. He had to help. He rushed towards the main door. He used the rake to push the bell and it rang loudly, waking everyone up. The children’s parents woke up and saw the fire. The father, at once, put out the fire. They were all saved but wondered as to who rang the bell. Sadly, the snowman had melted! But when it snowed again, the children made the snowman again!

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