Never Hurt Someone for Fun

One pleasant evening, suddenly woken from deep slumber by sharp pain on his scales and horns, Abid the Kentrosaurus dinosaur, looked around and wondered what caused the pain. Looking towards the sky he noticed a group of Microraptor dinosaurs flying around, pointing at him. Immediately, he realised what was going on, they were all playing around and competing with one another by pranking Abid. Each Microraptor circled around and then flew down to pull Abid’s horns and touch his scales with his beak. But each time, they did that for fun, Abid suffered a lot of pain. Unfortunately, one of Abid’s horns broke and blood oozed out; he said, “To you all this may be fun and games; to me this is only pain. Never hurt someone for fun.” Guilty and having learnt a lesson for life, the Mircroraptors apologised and flew away!

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