The Regretful Twins

Carla and Curly were twin T-Rex dinosaurs. Infamous for being ferocious and mean meat-eaters, they both took great pride in being aggressive and bullying everyone. One evening, as the twins played with their friends in a large open field, they got into a fight with one of their old friends. Proud of their physical superiority, they abandoned the verbal argument and attacked their friend, injuring her badly. As soon as they saw blood coming out of the injury they’d caused, they stopped, frightened at what had just happened. The twins then rushed to get medical help for their friend and profusely apologised to her. Once the injury was taken care of, the twins asked her if she’d forgive them and be friends again; she said, “We can be friends, but never be the same. For injuries may be forgiven, but never forgotten.” Guilty, the twins walked away, regretful.

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