Ganesha Defeats the Ganas

Shiva ignored Ganesha and tried to enter his house, but Ganesha hit him with his spear. Shiva turned red with anger. He ordered his ganas to get rid of the boy. Shiva’s ganas rushed in and stood before Ganesha. “Do you have any idea who Shiva is? He is our master and this cave belongs to him. You had better leave this place or else we will have to throw you out forcefully!” Paying no heed to these words, Ganesha courageously stood his ground. At Shiva’s order, the ganas charged towards little Ganesha. The ganas were armed with different kinds of weapons. The ganas tried different ways to attack Ganesha. Nandi and Bhring started pulling his legs in opposite directions. But Ganesha struck their hands and saved himself. The ganas were actually no match for the little Ganesha. They all were scared of Ganesha. Now, they scrambled away in all directions to save themselves! Ganesha once again stood guard at the entrance.

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