Ravan was on his way back to Lanka with the Shivlingam. Soon, he reached a forest. It was early morning and Ravan thought of taking his bath and performing his prayers. But he could not keep the Shivlingam on the ground! So he decided to find a suitable person who could hold it for a while. On Mount Kailash, all the gods were requesting Ganesha to save the Shivlingam from reaching Lanka. Ganesha assured them that he would definitely solve the problem. Ganesha followed Ravan and reached the forest. He understood that Ravan was searching for someone to hold the Shivlingam. Ganesha transformed into a young boy and reached the place where Ravan was standing. Ravan saw the boy and immediately asked him for help. He said, “Boy, you look like a wise fellow; can you hold the Shivlingam for some time?” The young boy agreed and held the Shivlingam carefully. He assured Ravan that he would take care of it. Ravan asked him not to keep the Shivlingam on the ground at all, and went away to take his bath and perform his prayers.
Ravan Gives Shivlingam to Ganesha