The Glory of Durva Grass

The ox, the donkey and the beggar woman wandered around many places and finally came to a temple built in the name of Lord Ganesha. On the day of Ganesha Chaturthi, the beggar woman who had a pile of Durva grass with her, happened to sit beside the temple. There came the donkey and the ox, and they started nibbling at the Durva grass. The woman sprang up and tried to chase them away, but both the animals ran away with some grass in their mouths towards the temple. In this to-and-fro-chase, some leaves fell from the animals’ mouths onto Lord Ganesha’s statue. The beggar woman was still running around Ganesha’s statue, trying to shoo away the ox and the donkey. Ganesha accepted the fallen Durva grass as an offering in prayer and the encircling beggar woman as circumambulation. He blessed the three and freed them from their curse.

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