Anjana Gives Birth to Hanuman

Anjana was Hanuman’s mother. There are many stories related to how Anjana gave birth to Hanuman. Anjana, in her previous birth, was an apsara named Punjikasthala. A sage once cursed Punjikasthala to be born on earth as a female monkey, “You will be freed from the curse only after giving birth to an incarnation of Shiv,” he added. Punjikasthala was reborn as Anjana on earth and was married to Kesari, the King of monkeys. One day, Anjana was worshiping Shiv. On the other hand, King Dashrath of Ayodhya was performing a ritual to have children. Agni gave him a divine rice pudding to be shared among his three wives. However, an eagle grabbed a portion of the pudding and flew away. Meanwhile, the Wind-god blew the wind in the direction where Anjana was worshipping Shiv. The pudding fell into Anjana’s palm and she consumed it. After some months, Anjana gave birth to Hanuman.

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