Hanuman’s Fight against Bhairav

Hanuman was returning from Kasi with the Swayambhu ling when Lord Bhairav confronted him at the border. He asked Hanuman why he was taking away the Swayambhu ling out of Kasi without his permission. Hanuman told Bhairav that he was following Lord Ram’s orders and he did not need anybody’s permission for it. A violent battle broke out between Bhairav and Hanuman. There was no sign of anybody winning or losing the battle. So, the gods thought of intervening. They appeared before the two and told Bhairav to allow Hanuman to take the ling with him. “It is very important that Lord Ram performs this prayer to Shiv,” they said. Bhirav agreed. But he put forth two conditions. Garud and the lizard should be punished for helping Hanuman in identifying the ling. Since then, Garud does not fly within 45 miles of Kasi and lizards would always be mute in Kasi.

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