Bheem was very happy to meet Hanuman. He bowed before his brother and apologised for his arrogance. He then humbly asked Hanuman to reveal his true identity. Bheem wanted to see the magnificent form that Hanuman had assumed when he crossed the ocean, burnt the entire Lanka and brought Sanjeevani herb for Lakshman. Hanuman agreed and the moment he took his huge form, the entire region was filled with immense light. The shine of that light was unbearable. Bheem could not face it and immediately closed his eyes. Hanuman resumed his normal form and embraced Bheem. Bheem then revealed to Hanuman about the imminent war against the Kauravs. Hanuman said, “Bheem, a battle is a mixture of physical power and brain. The usage of brain is equally important while fighting against your enemy!” He further added, “If you want, I can defeat your cousins at once and return the kingdom to you.”
Hanuman Embraces Bheem