Succession at Hastinapura

Unfortunately, King Vichitravirya died without leaving an heir. Satyavati felt that her sons had died because she had been unjust to Bhishma, denying him his right as the heir. So, she asked him to become king and marry the two widowed queens. But Bhishma had taken an unbreakable vow. So, he refused and reminded Satyavati of her other son, Vyasa. Vyasa came when Satyavati summoned him. She explained the need for an heir and requested him to take the throne of Hastinapura. Vyasa agreed to provide heirs for Hastinapura, but he did not wish to be king. Vyasa was very ugly. So when Ambika saw him, she shut her eyes. Her son, Dhritarashtra, was, therefore, born blind. Ambalika turned pale out of fear, when she saw Vyasa, so her son Pandu was born very pale. Both, however, would become brave warriors, due to the blessings of Vyasa.

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