Kunti and Pandavas Return

The news of the death of Pandu and Madri spread through the forest and the kingdom till it reached the palace at Hastinapura. Yudhishthira was sixteen years old at the time. Vyasa, who was the father of Dhritarashtra, Pandu and Vidura, and all the royal personages, including Bhishma, Vidura, Dhritarashtra and the old Queen Mother, Satyavati, were grief-stricken. Kunti and the Pandavas were brought back to Hastinapura and the boys were entrusted to Bhishma. Funeral rites were performed according to the custom. Sage Vyasa, who came as a mentor from time to time to guide the court, advised Satyavati that the future would be difficult. It would be full of sorrow. The Queen Mother should not stay to suffer, he said. So, Satyavati took Ambika and Ambalika with her and went to live a holy and simple life in the forest.

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