
Drona, the son of Bharadwaja, had studied along with Drupada, the future king of Panchala. He was expert not only in the scriptures but also in archery. Drupada often said that he would give half his kingdom to his friend Drona. Later, Drona married Kripacharya’s sister and had a son, Ashwatthama. Drona went to Parashurama when he heard that the sage was distributing cattle and wealth, but he arrived too late to receive the gifts. Instead, Parashurama took him as a worthy pupil and trained him in the art of war. He approached Drupada, now King of Panchala, for help. But Drupada brushed him off arrogantly and did not offer him even friendship. In hurt and anger, Drona vowed to punish Drupada in future. He was able to punish Drupada later by sending Arjuna to defeat him in the battle and capture him. Having won Drupada’s kingdom, he freed Drupada and returned half his kingdom, making them equals.

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