Arjuna travelled to many places during his period of exile. During his travels, he met Uloopi, and married her. A son, Iravan, was born to them, who later fought heroically in the war at Kurukshetra, till he died. Uloopi was a Naga princess, the daughter of Kauravya. She took him to her father’s kingdom under the waters of the Ganga. She was an expert warrior. Uloopi taught the art of war to Babruvahana, Arjuna’s son by Chitrangada. When Babruvahana caught the horse that was travelling for the ashwamedha sacrifice, he had to fight a battle with Arjuna, not knowing that Arjuna was his father. Babruvahana injured Arjuna who became unconscious. Uloopi, hearing of this, rushed to revive him using the mritasanjeevani gem, which was known only to the Nagas. She introduced Babruvahana and Arjuna. After Arjuna had left with the Pandavas on his last journey, she returned to her river kingdom.