Krishna and Balarama came to the forest to discuss matters with the Pandavas, who were awaiting Arjuna’s return. Bhima desired immediate action against the Kauravas. Many of their allies were willing to go into battle on their behalf. But Krishna said that the Pandavas would like to fight their own battle, though definitely with help from all their friends and relatives. They would await Arjuna’s return with weapons and then reassemble for action. While the brothers were arguing, Sage Brihadashwa came there. Welcoming him, Yudhishthira told him his problem. They had been cheated of their kingdom and wealth; they were in exile in the forest; they didn’t know when Arjuna would return. He went on to say that he was the unhappiest man. Brihadashwa advised him not to waste time in self-pity. He had his brothers and he must keep a steady mind.
Conference in the Forest