Choosing Disguises

The Pandavas decided to spend the thirteenth year in disguise at the palace of Virata, the King of Matsya. Yudhishthira would be Kanka, a learned courtier, playing dice with the king, and discussing politics, scriptures and ethics. Bhima would be Vallabha, a cook and once in a while have wrestling matches to entertain the king. Nakula, as Dharmagranthi, would train and look after the horses in the king’s stables. Sahadeva, as Tantripala, would care for the king’s cattle, protecting them from disease and attacks of thieves. Urvashi, a divine apsara in Indra’s court, had wanted to marry Arjuna. When he refused, she cursed him to turn into a eunuch. Through Indra’s grace, the curse was reduced to one year when he chose. So now he would become Brihannala, a eunuch, teaching music and dance to Princess Uttara and other ladies. Draupadi would be Malini, a sairandhri, Queen Sudeshna’s companion and attendant.

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